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    First in a series of four Army films giving an account of the battle for the Falkland Islands from the personal viewpoints of people involved, including officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines in addition to Army ...

    Great Britain

    Variety special, with documentary elements which looks at the preparation of a show for the troops stationed in the Falklands


    KIM 1984

    Great Britain
    Great Britain, USA

    Epic drama set in Chandrapore in the 1920s, about the relationships between a group of English people and a Muslim doctor who is accused of assaulting an English woman during a visit to the Marabar Caves.

    Great Britain

    Shots of HiHo windsurfing championships around the British Virgins Islands.

    [Director: Brockhaus; Camera: Ganor]

    Great Britain, USA

    About a shipwrecked child, who, after the death of his parents, is raised by a female ape. As an adult he is taken back to Britain and returns to his family's estate in Scotland.


    The wildlife of Ascension Island, including the wild cats, terns and green turtles.

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the way in which the future of the Falklands is to be negotiated with Argentina in the light of the recent war, assessing what each country has at stake in the talks. Interviewed are Chairman of the South Atlantic ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the negotiations with the Chinese government on the fate of British control of Hong Kong on the expiry of the lease there in 1996. Interviewed are Robert Adley and Sir Peter Blaker.

    Great Britain

    St Helena in the South Atlantic is one of Britain's few remaining colonies. In April, led by Prince Andrew, the 500 islanders celebrated 150 years of British rule. The occasion was Prince Andrew's first official visit overseas.


    Recruiting film for Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC), based around an interview for an officer's commission.

    Colonel Smith and Colonel Eggar of QARANC ask questions of an interviewee, whose replies ...


    The first of three episodes. An epic story of romantic love, intrigue and treachery set against the splendour of the India of the British Raj. The hero, Ash, is a young officer torn between two conflicting cultures.