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    Great Britain

    Record of the royal visit by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip to Sierra Leone 25/11 - 1/12/1961.

    Royal yacht Britannia's arrival in Freetown. Formal greeting from dignitaries including the Prime Minister Sir Milton Margai. The ...

    Great Britain

    George Scott reports from Sierra Leone on its independence; interviews with Dr. D.S.H.W. Nicol, principal of Fourah Bay College, Sir Milton Margai, Prime Minister, and Sir Maurice Dorman, governor-general.


    Journalist Simon Winchester, who has lived in Hong Kong for seven years, argues that the British government has mishandled the future of Hong Kong because it has failed to understand the Chinese.


    Briefing film on the border between Hong King and the People's Republic of China. Showing road and rail crossings and the views from the British Army observation posts, including scenes of Chinese troops drilling and training.

    Great Britain

    An interview with Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home on the rejection by Rhodesian opinion of the independence proposals worked out by himself and Ian Smith


    SMACK CITY 1996


    The heroin trail moves from Burma to Hong Kong, as director Adrian Cowell and cameraman Chris Menges continue their exploration of the drugs trade. The culmination of thirty years' work, this series includes their footage first shown in the ...

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    An examination of sanctions busting in Rhodesia, and how goods are getting in and out of the country.


    Life in the Women's Royal Naval Service.

    Training at Reading (careers office flashback), receiving uniform. "You are a WREN... and to the Navy, you're someone special." Jobs available, including: air traffic control; ...


    1. Umvukwes Art Group - A women's painting exhibition in Salisbury. the group started in July 1972 in Umvekwes (in the North East of the country). Most of the women are farmers'wives and terrorist attacks are mentioned. Scenes are shown of the ...


    Portrait of the culture of South Arabia just prior to the revolution and take over of the area by the National Liberation Forces.


    Scenes around South Georgia after its recapture; shipping in Falklands Sound and casualties arriving on board Canberra.

    Opening shots show the small settlement at South Georgia after its recapture ...


    Malta's attractions for the tourists.