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    Lawrence Collection

    Scenes in Malaya 1956, 1960

    Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time ...


    Mainland Chinese refugees in Hong Kong.


    Documentary about the Hong Kong Chinese as represented by the Lung family and their deep involvement with ancestral glory, coupled with a dynamic, forward-looking industrial scene.


    Aerial MS of HMS Fife (D.20) steaming at sea, with HMS Tiger in the background - the camera aircraft circles across Fife's bows. Cut to Tiger where various of the negotiators are gathered on the quarterdeck - Sir ...


    Helicopter hovering. SRN5 manoeuvring about desert airfield - clouds of sand etc. SRN5 at sea (from helicopter). Film slate: Derek Stewart productions Aden 29.11.65. CUs of SRN5 on airfield. At sea and in harbour.


    Hovercraft SRN5 is tested as a patrol and transport craft.

    CUs of Captain Peter Beacon at the controls as the hovercraft moves off. CUs of the radar and radio operators, and ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. British Gurkha troops guard against Indonesian infiltration in Borneo. Soldiers are seen at a front camp receiving supplies dropped from a Beverly, on patrol in the jungle, and preparing ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Background to the fighting in Kashmir. Indian forces have now crossed the UN ceasefire line and are seen on patrol, counting enemy dead and manning check-points in Srinagar. Gouma Nkala ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Terrorist campaign to force Britain to grant Aden independence before 1968 has spread from the Radfan Mountains where the Army and RAF have been attacking rebel positions to Qatar City ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on the military tension on the border between Sikkim and China reveals the vulnerability of the small Indian protectorate. Film of a few Chinese soldiers with cameras gives no ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on the likely consequences for Rhodesia if the London negotiations end in deadlock and Prime Minister Smith makes a unilateral declaration of independence. UDI would be treason, ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Interview with Garfield Todd, who is under house arrest, and partial coverage of a news conference given by his gaoler Ian Smith. Former Prime Minister is pessimistic about Rhodesia's ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on British Guiana which is negotiating for independence by February 1966, assesses the possibility of renewed violence after that date. Prime Minister Forbes Burnham (interview) ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Life in Rhodesia appears to have been outwardly little affected by Smith's unilateral declaration of independence. During the week following UDI the Africans remained calm, while Rhodesians ...


    Report on reactions to Ian Smith's UDI, in Addis Ababa, Lusaka and Salisbury.

    Communiqu at end of Organisation of African Unity's meeting (opened by Haile Selassie) is vague, although reportedly member states may ...


    Lord Mountbatten visits Kuala Lumpur; Singapore, where he is seen with the Prime Minister (Lee Kuan Yew) and aboard a hovercraft; Borneo, where he inspects the Indonesian border installations; Bangkok; Hong Kong, where he sees the naval and RAF bases ...


    Incomplete film on the role of British forces around the world in the mid 1960s, including a summary of the British units stationed in Gibraltar, Cyprus, North Africa, Aden, Singapore, Hong Kong and Guyana. Ian Mikardo, Labour MP for Poplar, comments ...

    WORLD TOMORROWGreat Britain

    DOCUMENTARY. A report by Bill Grundy and Chris Kelly from Basutoland shortly before it became the independent state of Lesotho on October 4th, 1966.


    John Hooper weighs up - looks at the hospital services for whites and blacks, visits various hospitals, and an interview with the health minister Dr. Dyson Blair.


    RHODESIA 1966

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    Coverage of Rhodesia, transmitted on ITV on 8 September 1966.


    Political broadcast. James Callaghan, Chancellor of the Exchequer, looks at the home economic situation and reviews some current affair issues.

    Callagahan discusses the economic situation and the ...


    ADEN 1966

    Great Britain

    The history of Aden and its importance now as a port and oil refinery. Intended for secondary schools.


    The emergency meeting of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, held in Lagos, Nigeria at the invitation of the Prime Ministers, held in Lagos, Nigeria at the invitation of the Prime Minister of Nigeria to seek a solution to the Rhodesian crisis.

    Great Britain

    How the Birmingham branch of the Co-operative movement is helping to ralse $30,0 00 to start consumer co-ops in Bechuanaland

    Great Britain

    Leonard Cheshire's first visit to New Guinea.

    Great Britain

    A light comedy romance between a rich American diplomat and a Russian emigré princess from Hong Kong.

    Great Britain

    Extract of the Queen's activities from newsreels.

    R.1: Visiting British Guyana, the first stop of the Caribean Tour since exception of the throne. Visiting Canterbury Cathedral.

    R.2: Visiting Bayeux and celebrating its 900th ...

    Great Britain

    The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh's five-week tour of the Caribbean, in February 1966.

    PARADEGreat Britain


    Items on the modern postal automated systems. Delivery of air-mailed flowers to Westminster Abbey from Jamaica; Spode Commemorative Plate made for Westminster Abbey; a rodeo marks Guyana's independence - attended ...


    A documentary looking at the transfer of the Batonka people of the Zambezi valley to new homes because of the creation of Lake Kariba. It starts off with footage shot in 1956 and looks at the Batonka tribe, with scenes of village life and a ...


    A man files a report back to his company on whether Rhodesia is a good place - documentary on the attractions of Rhodesia.


    RHODESIA 1966

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    Coverage of Rhodesia, transmitted on ITV on 8 December 1966.

    Rhodesia Collection

    Interview with Ian Smith.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the collection of Henry Berriff, a cameraman in the ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    A "Hands-off Rhodesia!" film showing Rhodesia's preparedness to resist a British military intervention aimed at overthrowing U.D.I.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Mr Du Pont (O.A.G.?) speaking on RBC to announce the signing of the bill on 18th February 1966 to ratify Rhodesian Independence.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians ...


    Life in the Women's Royal Naval Service.

    Training at Reading (careers office flashback), receiving uniform. "You are a WREN... and to the Navy, you're someone special." Jobs available, including: air traffic control; ...


    Film of the Falls Patrol in British Guiana.

    Footage of the patrol and one of the soldiers talking about it: the adventure, challenge and change it provides; the boat trip and its interest; back onto the land, which ...


    Short documentary about RAF Transport Command's regular flights to the Far East narrated by (and starring) Jon Rollason.

    Reporter John Rollason, not an RAF man, is booked on a Transport Command Comet to Singapore, ...


    Reel 1: Preparing Army Scout helicopter on airfield. Lifting crated load. Aden rock in background? SRN5 hovercraft prepared on airfield. Army Air Corps Scout lands, and is serviced and refuelled. In flight views of arid moutainous terrain, then ...

    Simpson Collection

    Shots of Coffee, and Farmers' Study tour of the Southern Highlands. Also Pyrethrum

    Cleave Collection

    A compendium of wildlife and scenes mostly in Uganda's game parks, in those days excellent, and some from Karamoja. 1958-1966. Edited.

    Production / Donor Details: John Cleave was ADC Karamoja District for 11 years.

    Cleave Collection

    About 400' of wildlife, mostly in Uganda National Parks, shot between 1958 and 1966. NOT edited into a coherent film.

    Production / Donor Details: John Cleave was ADC Karamoja District for 11 years.


    An introduction to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, including footage of fauna, flora and the local way of life, and showing the work of London Missionary Society/ CCWM (Congregational Council for World Mission) missions in the islands. The film follows ...


    Film of a Cheshire Home in Port Moresby, New Guinea.


    Survey of the police work in the Borneo jungle of the British forces against the Indonesian confrontation.


    I. Gemini inflatables carry ashore a party of marines and sailors from HMS Rothesay. The sailors, armed with No 4 rifles, pick their way over the inhospitable terrain. They comb the beach area. A prisoner is brought in, hands ...


    Squadron Leader Keith Cawdron bids farewell to the villagers of Sindumin as his unit is moved to Labuan prior to return to England.

    Squadron Leader Cawdron plays ball with the local children. A long boat arrives at ...