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    Army Recruiting film aimed at potential members of the Royal Signals. The film describes the three routes of entry available, shows recruits engaged in drill, physical training and weapons training and goes on to look at the specialist technical and ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Bird Business - Mr. Tribe an ornithologist.

    Copperbelt Car Rally.

    More Steps Forward - improvements to Blantyre road, opening of new bridge, Bangala Dam.

    They're Here Again - arrival of ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    New Air Safari - Dakota flies in to Kafue game park.

    Mine Rescue - simulated accident in a mine.

    First Stop Lourenco Marques C.A.A. weekly service for holiday makers to seaside.

    Zambezi ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Federal Fortnight - Whitehead leaving for London, new oil refinery near Umtali, Rhodesia Castle, youth mayor and mayoress.

    Minister visits Mkushi - John Graylin.

    New Building System.


    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Expanding Health Services - two hospitals opened by Benny Goldberg.

    Consecration of Bishop - James Corboy as Bishop of Monze.

    S.P.C.A. Show - charity pet and dog show.

    Crockery From Lusaka - ...

    Central African Federation

    The building of Kyle dam and its effects on the sugar industry.

    ADVENTUREGreat Britain

    Anthony Smith and cameraman Douglas Botting fly by balloon from Zanzibar to the mainland of Africa.

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    The Federal Fortnight - composite item.

    New Military Museum - Lusaka.

    Fashion Corner - one by children one by models.

    R.R.A.F. Foodlift - relief to flooded Kawambwa area, and new helicopter ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Basket Makers Return - Korsten basket makers move to Plumtree.

    Still Going Strong - 40 year old horse Robin Hood with B.S.A.P.

    New Tourist Service - C.A.A. service to Wankie & Victoria Falls ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    New Jets For C.A.A.

    School For the Blind - scenes in Kitwe of basket making and making bristle brooms.

    The Perfect Civil Servant - a computer.

    Unusual Pets - Nero a cheetah and a black eagle. ...


    ZAMBESI 1962


    Documentary on the Zambesi river.

    LOOK AT LIFEGreat Britain

    A look at wildlife protection in North and South Rhodesia and the developing national parks.