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    German Federal Republic

    Documentary about the prolific Hong Kong film industry which rolls off 250 featu res a year.


    Hovercraft SRN5 is tested as a patrol and transport craft.

    CUs of Captain Peter Beacon at the controls as the hovercraft moves off. CUs of the radar and radio operators, and ...


    A record of Prince Charles' visit to Hong Kong.

    Hinchcliffe Collection

    Film shows diplomatic life in Aden in 1967 at the end of British rule. Also includes military manoeuvres, and ends with sequences of the diplomatic staff making a bonfire of documents marked "Top Secret".

    Also further ...


    Recruitment Videos for the Hong Kong Police Department, showing various crisis scenarios involving police action, with captions: 'Imagine Hong Kong without our Police'; 'We need our Police'; 'The Police Need You'; 'Your first decision is a career ...

    Great Britain

    Examines the transition from a traditional rural way of life to the development of urban life in Papua New Guinea.

    NICK'S QUESTGreat Britain

    Presenter Nick Baker goes to the Falkland Islands to try and discover why its population of penguins has been steadily declining.


    British television programme in six parts tracing the Falklands War from the perspective of the British and Argentinian military and political participants - interview rushes, archive footage, specially shot material and VHS copies of the transmitted ...


    Independence in Fiji in October 1970.

    Union flag flying, with words 'Independence for Fiji' superimposed. Union flag being taken down as part of the ceremonies at the Albert Park stadium, Suva, 9 October 1970. The Fijian flag. Prince ...

    FROST PROGRAMMEGreat Britain
    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the latest developments in the South Atlantic crisis with an interview with John Nott, Secretary of State for Defence.