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    Preparation at Defence Medical Equipment Depot at Ludgershall for dispatch to Falkland Islands of medical supplies for hospital to replace fire damage.

    Helicopter flight over tropical ...


    Reporting on stories from around the world, including that of Argentina's offer of money to each Falkland Islander in order that they give up British sovereignty. Plus a look at an unusual American military ...

    Great Britain

    War correspondent Michael Nicholson, one of only two TV reporters who travelled with the British Task Force to the Falklands in 1982, revisits the island.

    Great Britain

    Outlines the growing diplomatic row between Britain and Argentina over sovereignty of the Falklands.


    19th century geographer/explorers Richard Burton and John Speke make two successive journeys together to find the source of the Nile.

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    An interview with Ian Smith about the future of Rhodesia.


    The man alleged to be behind Triad violence in Britain is confronted in this programme in the heart of Hong Kong's red light district. The report reveals how a war between Britain's two strongest Triad factions - the Wo Shing Wo and the ...


    Looks at the work of the Mzilikazi Arts and Crafts Centre in Bulawayo in training African artists, particularly in creating employment opportunities for school-leavers of the African townships. An art teacher, Alex Lambert, is shown teaching, ...

    Mowat Collection

    This film covers a day in school from the children walking into school, lessons both indoors and out, doing movement classes, question time and pictures on the classroom wall. It ends with the children leaving school at the end of the ...

    Mowat Collection

    A visit to Abemana and various places of interest. The visit begins with a shot of the islands and their surrounding coastline from the air and ends the same way. It shows villages, local people and children, a beach, lagoon, a bridge, ...

    Mowat Collection

    This film shows a local boy catching fish with a traditional pointed stick. He does this by swimming in shallow water with goggles on and catching them one at a time and stringing them onto a loop on the side of his sarong.


    Mowat Collection

    Arrival and departure of the missionary vessel 'John William VII' to Beru. Includes the start of the journey from an unknown destination, shots of the sea voyage itself, the arrival, the European accommodation, the local village and ...