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    Report examines the reaction of white Rhodesians to Ian Smith's rejection of Wilson's proposals for an independence settlement and also shows that the effect of sanctions on the standard of living of Smith's supporters has ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Interview with Garfield Todd, who is under house arrest, and partial coverage of a news conference given by his gaoler Ian Smith. Former Prime Minister is pessimistic about Rhodesia's ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Report on British Guiana which is negotiating for independence by February 1966, assesses the possibility of renewed violence after that date. Prime Minister Forbes Burnham (interview) ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Life in Rhodesia appears to have been outwardly little affected by Smith's unilateral declaration of independence. During the week following UDI the Africans remained calm, while Rhodesians ...


    Combination of film of street scenes in Canton ("first film since the recent trouble") and interviews with two Hong Kong correspondents forms the basis of this report on the purpose and effect of the "great proletarian ...


    Report on reactions to Ian Smith's UDI, in Addis Ababa, Lusaka and Salisbury.

    Communiqu at end of Organisation of African Unity's meeting (opened by Haile Selassie) is vague, although reportedly member states may ...


    Report outlines the political background to the stepped-up violence in Aden and shows how conditions for British soldiers and their families are becoming increasingly dangerous.

    Anti-British terrorism will not cease, ...


    Report in two sections.

    Reel 1. Rhodesian reactions to Smith's closure of the border with Zambia. Guerrillas now conduct raids across the border against white settlers: a tobacco farmer whose wife was killed ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Prime Minister Ian Smith and a former tobacco farmer explain how Rhodesia has overcome the effect of sanctions introduced last December by the UN. Statistical evidence that the GNP is down ...


    Report in three sections.

    1. Report concludes that riots in Hong Kong are being instigated by Peking in order to humiliate the British rather than to force them to give up their colony, which is useful to the ...


    RAF film on the Falcons parachute display team, beginning with training in the Persian Gulf during which the team are shown practising manoeuvres while in freefall from 12,000 feet. The Falcons then move on to an eight week tour of Australia as part ...


    Information video aboard the ship HMS Ocean in Gibraltar. Royal Marines dealing with food deliveries, waste disposal and maintenance of deck hatches for movement of large items. Gazelle and Sea King helicopters are ...