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    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 15 contains interviews with Mr Radha Prasad Gupta; Dr Christopher Bayly; shots of Sezincote and Powys Castle.


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 16 contains shots of Tipu's sword; Interviews with Dr Philip Mason; Jonathan Marsden; Michael Edwards; Sir Percival ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 17 contains interviews with Sir Percival Griffiths (contd); Mary Lutyens; Christopher Hawes; Norman Hutchinson.


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 18 contains interviews with Norman Hutchinson (contd); Judith Brown; Kenneth Ballhatchet; var shots Victoria & Albert Museum; ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 19 contains interviews with Mr & Mrs Kendall (contd); Mr Maurice & Mrs Taya Zinkin; Dr Satyendra Srivastava.


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 20: Mainly paintings (no audio source tape).


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 21 contains: Pictures and letters (no audio source tape).


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 22 contains interviews - but no audio source tape.


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 23 contains various historical footage of Ghandi, Subhas Chandra Bose, etc.


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 24 contains historical footage of Subhas Chandra Bose, the Mountbattens, WW2 scenes.


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 25 contains historical footage of Subhas Chandra Bose, Ghandi, the Mountbattens, Nehru, various demonstrations etc.


    Anthony Sampson considers the inadequacy of the Chinese at organising business inside their own country, but are very successful as exiles or immigrants in other countries. He compares the decline of Shanghai and the success of Hong Kong. ...