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    A tour of Salisbury and the surrounding areas set to music. The film opens with aerial views of the city as a plane lands at Salisbury airport.

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Thames TV, 1968-92]Great Britain

    A detailed and comprehensive examination of the developing economies of the Caribbean, specifically the island of St. Lucia and the republic of Guyana on the South American coast.

    Begins by looking ...

    Great Britain

    Duncan Carse revisits South Georgia where he was marooned fifteen years ago. After a freak tidal wave washed away his home he had to live in a tent and survive for five months before being rescued.

    Selkirk Collection

    Airport with stationary Bahamas Airways air plane. Holiday yachting in Bahamas. Waterways. Moorings. Hotels at the waterside. Snorkelling at off shore reef.

    Dolphins performing at Aquarium. Airport with Tri-star airliner. ...

    Selkirk Collection

    Bahamas Beaches. Coastal scenery. Aquarium with performing seals and dolphins. Golf course with players. Flock of flamingos walking in park.

    Beach Club. Sand dredger extracting sand near shore. Tourist enjoying beach holiday ...

    Simpson Collection

    Footage of game and game reserves.

    Simpson Collection

    Shots of Coffee, and Farmers' Study tour of the Southern Highlands. Also Pyrethrum


    Documentary which looks at the events on South Georgia after invasion by the Argentinian forces had caused wildlife camera team Cindy Buxton and Annie Price to be cut off from the UK. The film features footage of wildlife ...


    Illustrates the range of base training and field activities of the RAF Tactical Communications Wing, established to provide mobile ground communications to helicopter/Harrier squadrons in forward deployment, and occasionally in locations outside NATO ...


    Film showing an army catering section at a camp in British Guiana.

    Footage of the soldiers cooking is followed by shots of the canteen; the food being dished out; the site and the area around it; swimming; collecting ...


    Aerial MS of HMS Fife (D.20) steaming at sea, with HMS Tiger in the background - the camera aircraft circles across Fife's bows. Cut to Tiger where various of the negotiators are gathered on the quarterdeck - Sir ...


    RFA Stromness en route to the South Atlantic; scenes at the anchorage at Ascension Island.

    Sir Percival comes alongside the camera ship (probably RFA Stromness) and replenishment activities begin. ...