The films include the Queen's Birthday Parade at Police Training School, Kijango; the Police Training Retreat Parade; a Christmas Party at the Police Training School; an Air Show at Nyeri, and other general and family scenes ...
The films include the Queen's Birthday Parade at Police Training School, Kijango; the Police Training Retreat Parade; a Christmas Party at the Police Training School; an Air Show at Nyeri, and other general and family scenes ...
The Afram Plains (Volta Lake) N. Territories & Togoland: journeys across country to Agricultural shows, showing life in various cities, towns and villages on the plains, in the bush and on the coast. Shots include European family life ...
Things about Hong Kong: Victoria Harbour; junks and sampans; Kai Tai Airport; Kowloon peninsular; what people do for living; houses; religions; sports; agriculture; plants.
Agricultural Show; visit to Tai O; launching a ferry boat; H.R.H. Prince Philip visits Hong Kong.
Holiday shots on Lantau Island.
Dragon Boat Festival and dragon boat races.
The films include the Queen's Birthday Parade at Police Training School, Kijango, the Police Training Retreat Parade, a Christmas Party at the Police Training School, an Air Show at Nyeri, and other general and family scenes ...
Film shows a model steam engine; tin-mining on the plateau of Northern Nigeria; the Governor of Nigeria arriving at Kaduna, reviewing troops and laying foundation stone for the new House of Assembly for the Northern Region; a sala ...
Mysore Keddah 1953; Bandipur Game Sanctuary Mysore etc. 1952; Bangalore, Kyathevargudi (Bison Shoot) 1953; Bandipur Game Sanctuary 1958; Periyar Game Sanctuary 1953; Karauti Shikar 1954; Gwalior Shikar 1960. Also: Life in Mayo College ...
Kilifi township and its pot holed approach road haphazardly lined with mud and makuti houses. The local prison, known as 'King Georgi Hoteli', and the Kilifi Club , the centre for expatriate social and sporting activities. Fishing ...
Outward Bound course for boys (teenagers) from the Outward Bound Mountain School. At Loitokitok taking part in a competition on Mount Kilimanjaro for 'The Governor's Spear'.
Production / Donor Details: Mr Rees joined the Staff of ...
Tana River and education for its small riverband settlements. Village scenes amongst different tribal groups. Educational inspection visits made by light aeroplane and river canoe. Overflight of Lamu Island and landing amongst its swamps ...
Family holidays in the Tsavo National Game Park and at the oceanside in Kwale District.
Production / Donor Details: Mr Rees joined the Staff of the Kagumo Teacher Training College in Kenya as an Education Officer in 1953. He ...
Domestic scenes in Kilifi, the beach and the Club. The annual Royal Agricultural Show in Nairobi with British Army massed bands. Celebrations in Kilifie of the Queen's Official Birthday. Mombasa: Arab quarter, the Social Club and a ...
1.Welcome parades of Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and Police recruits, for High Commissioner's visit. 2. Family footage - Christening party. 3.Tennis courts.
4.Home bungalow with children playing in garden fish pond.
Production / ...
Domestic scenes at the Rees's bungalow in Kilifi, showing the preparation of meals and outdoor bungalow shots. Beach scenes at the Kilifi Social Club.
Production / Donor Details: Mr Rees joined ...
Life in Malaya, including British social occasions, the slaughtering of a cow and goats, and processions in honour of the Prophet Mohammed's birthday.
The collection consists mainly of good wildlife footage shot in Kenya and Tanganyika, together with some items of family footage and the background to the visit of Princess Margaret to Kenya in 1956.
Trade Fair at Kano showing the Fairground and the exhibitors' stands and the vistiors to the Fair. Kano Durbar, large regional colourful gathering of the tribes in the Northern Nigerian area meeting and parading of the chiefs with ...
Footage of travels round northern Uganda and southern Sudan, including various shots of a market, ferry journeys, local parades and dancers.
Various shots outside a church for a family christening. Brief shots of outside of hospital. Girls and boys acting out drama. Garden shots with teenager and geese, small boy and mother, dog and rabbit.
Sole Royal Navy Helicopter performing low level manoervers at an airfield in Malaya? The aircraft carries the marking "H"
Production / Donor Details: Captain Wilson served as a senior pilot for 22 months with 848 ...
Chinese city night scapes. An attempt to capture the atmosphere of night time in a "Chinese" type city. (Hong Kong?).
Production / Donor Details: Captain Wilson served as a senior pilot for 22 months with 848 Helicopter ...
European domestic family life in Malaya of Capt Wilson . Domestic scenes in the garden of colonial villa. Extended sequencs of swimming pools and family time being spent together at some sort of a lido. Native Malaya girls as the ...
Australian forces taking part in a jovial match of Australian Rules football. Life for the family of service personal at an airbase. (Malaya). Life in a Malay village. Tree trunk bridge. Views of Malay flat country from helicopter ...
Royal Navy Destroyer working up on exercises at sea. Taking supplies from
Fleet Auxiliary at sea
Boreo Tattoo. Beating the Retreat. Fair or exhibition at show ground in the country. Paddy Fields. Local young men crossing ...
Traditional farming with water buffaloes. Ploughing.
Paddy fields with planting and harvesting crops by workforce of local people
Women working in the fields.
Country Fair with flower show. Local people in ...
Wicksteed family domestic sceanes on beach and then with other British families and their children. Dingy sailing. Outdoor party for large number of British children. Outrigger sailing dinghies at sea.Wicksteed horse riding. ...
Road making gangs of women at work in the forests. Ranching in the high upland county at the foot of the mountain. Views of Mount Kota Bellud. Husbandry with water buffaloes. Washing buffaloes in the river. High wire suspension ...
Views out over the bay at Jesselton. Mountain scenery at Kota Belud
Jesselton airport with aircraft movements including Bell Helicopter and Comet Airliner of Malaya airlines. Wicksteed family at their holiday chalet high in ...
Crowded race meeting. Road gang at work. Light railway system movements. Local fairs and festivals. Official Presentation of award to local headman. Opening of new school. Governor's inspection and official parade. Pontoon vehicle ...
Narrow Gauge Railway operations both freight and passenger rail car. Papar township with official buildings. Fishing villages. School Sports Day. Jesselton harbour installations and Naval Destroyer. Coastal passenger freighter in ...
6. Film of a Masai parade, possibly for the Governor's visit in 1953-4.
7. Various views of Tanganyika.
9. Pangani 1951. Tanga Province, Tanganyika. 10. Arrival at Dar es Salaam 1952; Governors visit to Masasi ...
British North Borneo: a birthday party at the Jeans' family bungalow and various domestic and rural shots. Port & coastal views from ship. Local market and colourful costumed festival ceremonies. Local agriculture with cultivation by ...
Rural life scenes with local long houses. Opening Mission church. Jesselton railway station. Punch and Judy show at fair. Father Christmas visit by dingy
Rural air strip,buildings & take off. V.I P visit with cavalcade & airport ...
Various aspects of European family and social life in Borneo. Country life fishing villlages. Empire Day military celebrations. Infant school life. Arrival of Father Christmas & school party. Guy Fawkes party .
Production / ...
Coastal port town concentration on busy commercial life of local population. Harbour loading , unloading of craft. Lorry traffic into docks. Market and busy street scenes. River small ferry crossing with passengers. Funeral or ...
British couple working with the Air Ministry Works Department living off base among Greek-Cypriots. Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and Brownies. Fancy Dress; arrival of Father Christmas on a decorated donkey cart. Coastal scenery. Byzantine & Roman ruins, ...
Film taken in northern Nigeria including impressions of the people and their lifestyle, and more specific shots relating to Ms Spencer's nursing work with mothers, children and babies.
Production / Donor Details: Mrs ...
Cameron highlands
Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time he was ...
Records footage of the various members of Mr Gill's staff, European and African, who worked in the Public Works Department of what is now the North-West Province of the Cameroon Republic.
It includes sequences of the maintenance ...
Records the journey and experiences of a team of engineers from the Public Works Departments of Western, Eastern and Federal Nigeria at a Road Conference in Kenya.
Production / Donor Details: Mr Gill was a Provincial ...
Amateur footage showing the British life style in Mauritius during the 1950s and 1960s.
The family and friends play in the gardens, on the beach and in the waters of Sussex Bay. We are introduced to the flowers and shrubs of the garden, the company launch, two new puppies a glance at the outside of the new house and ...
King Jimmy Market/ Waterslide Market/ Sulima
Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne Birch were mainly in Sierra Leone, where he was head of Unilever, and also held a position on the ...
Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne Birch were mainly in Sierra Leone, where he was head of Unilever, and also held a position on the Legislative Council; the ...
Aeroplane landing.
Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne Birch were mainly in Sierra Leone, where he was head of Unilever, and also held a position on the Legislative Council; the ...
Ocean liner's passage from India though Suez Canal to Gibraltar. Passing troop ship in the Canal. Stop at Port Sudan. Passage through Canal. Marseilles. Passing submarine and sailing barque at sea. Rock of Gibraltar.