New Ambulance Service - in Nyasaland. The New Governor-General - Simon Ramsay, Lord Dalhousie. New Postal Agency at Soche.Kafue National Park. Animals for Export - mainly for zoos. Mikolongwe Poultry ...
New Ambulance Service - in Nyasaland. The New Governor-General - Simon Ramsay, Lord Dalhousie. New Postal Agency at Soche.Kafue National Park. Animals for Export - mainly for zoos. Mikolongwe Poultry ...
Governor opens new bridge, assembly of Mashonaland chiefs, training game guards, new village water supplies in Nyasaland, weight lifting in Bulawayo, Governor General on tour, cycle racing at ...
Training and welfare at Kariba, the K.A.R. leaves Zomba for Lusaka, Chief Rozani invested, Chilonga mission, University College of Rhodesia & Nyasaland, Lady Benson visits new homecraft centre, ...
Chieftainess Luwezhi installed at Chavuma, head messenger retires, training African nurses in Nyasaland, the Kyusa dancers, Jairos Jiri- friend of the people.
Rhodesian African Rifles return from Malaya via Beira.
K.A.R. move to Lusaka.
Governor General visits African townships.
Rabies control in Nyasaland with vaccinations.
Cheap ...
Governor General invests Africans, new wing for Zomba hospital, M.L.C.'s visit Chitedze, Machipisa - progressive store keeper,Governor presents football cup, African sculptor honoured, police ...
Mobile bank, Lake Nyasa fishermen, hospital guest house, police parade at Lusaka, new Salisbury hospital, farmers day at Msingesi, training nurses at mine hospital, sports at Luanshya. RM 2538
A story told by a member of the B.S.A.P. Ayoung man leaves UK and joins B.S.A.P., the training routine is shown, passing out parade, posted to Eastern district and seen on patrol. A public relations film produced in association with B.S.A.P. ...
Compilation from early Spotlights, no's 8-14, including. Land clearance at Karoi, Chingola mining town, soil conservation in Nyasaland, expansion of Salisbury, cultivation of cow pox, railway construction ...
Compilation of early Spotlights, no's 15-19, including - postal school, making ropes, growing tea and tobacco, Chirunda sugar estates, Umtali development, dam near Que Que, spotlight on railways, education ...
Compilation of early Spotlights, including - Katambora reform school, fumigation of bagged grain, safari on river Luangwa, stock car racing, visit of S. Rhodesian MP's to North, Chief Katumbi and tribe ...
Compilation of early Spotlights, no's 20-30, including, lake Nyasa developments, reopening of old copper mine, the story of rubber, news from Lusaka and Salisbury, Blantyre's diamond jubilee, and Falcon ...
Compilation of early Spotlights, no's 20-29, including - trout fishing, lake Miveru, cotton cultivation in Nyasaland, agricultural research station, new housing scheme in Bulawayo, new rail link, St. Peter ...
Compilation of early Spotlights 1955-58 all focusing on the Kariba Dam Scheme from inception to the record floods of 1958.
R.R.A.F. for Aden.
Chieftainess Luwazhi takes over.
Spotlight on Livingstone - including the museum and Victoria falls.
Heading for home - Central African Airways.
More news on Kariba ...
Show Places:- N. Rhodesia builds new cinemas.
Back from Malaya:- Beira, troopship brings back 1st batt.
Rhodesian African Rifles.
Fish out of Water:- inspection of sea cadets.
News ...
The Wine Growers.
Modern Mineral Hunt - using a helicopter.
Trees for Timber - Forestry Commission trial forest.
Strange Cargo - animals from N. Rhodesia being sent to Chester Zoo.
VIP's in the Federation - Field Marshall Sir Gerald Templar & Eugene Black.
Latest on Kariba - Kitwe switiching station.
New Seasons - new tobacco auctions.
Rhodesian Derby - at Belverdere, ...
Flights From Nairobi.
Sir Robert Tredgold Visits the USA - greeted by Earl Warren, chief justice.
Scouts Keep Transport Tally.
News fron Nyasaland - opening of maternity wing at Zomba, 50 ...
Fletcher High School - opens.
S. Rhodesia Governor Visits Mtoko - visit hospital and Chiefs.
New Harari Hospital - opened by Lord Dalhousie.
Lake Nyasa Bream Now on the Menu - lifting of ...
S. Rhodesian General Elections.
Federal Flashes - the Dalhousies visit Nyasaland tea industry, farming in Msengezi, Lusaka - police passing out parade.
Bundu Bonanza - emerald strike at Belingive ...
Recent Arrivals - Merle Park & Gary Burne at command performance for The Dalhousies.
News from Nyasaland - new Nkata Bay jettie & new cement silos at Blantyre.
Beauty Spot Will Yield Power - ...
Message from Mountbatten - Lord & Lady Dalhousie visit a schoolbearing Mountbatten's name.
Water for Blantyre.
Probing the Great Riddle - the ruins at Zimbabwe.
Relics of Slavery - Fort ...
On the Lake - Nyasa and sea scouts.
The Ndola Show - Lord Dalhousie opens.
The Numismatist - Mr. Epstein at Mufulira.
Youngsters Get Museum Minded - Queen Victoria Museum Salisbury.
The Standard Goes to Press.
From over the Border - Portuguese Gov. Gen. of Mozambique.
Lundazi Castle.
Polley's Workshop - Nkana mine training centre.
Kariba Becomes More PLeasant - ...
The Economy Run - car rally sponsor, Mobile.
Que Que Regatta.
Progress at University College.
Federation Round Up - Blantyre's new railway station, Limbi, new reed clearing tool, Copperbelt ...
Buy Federal - exhibition in Salisbury.
The Fourth in Ten Months - Lord Dalhousie opens LLewllyn Hospital, Kitwe.
One of the Lucky Ones - lottery winner.
Who Were They? - archaeological ...
New GPO for Limbe.
Back from the London Talks - Roy Welensky returns to Salisbury from London; Diana Dors also arrives.
A Weighty Matter- arrival of transformer for Kariba. New Hall for Hindoos - ...
Art in Nyasaland.
Fragrant Sideline - Mr. Balisra makes citronella oil.
Cookie Has a Look - beauty spot Mpatomange Gorge.
Surprises in International Athletics - Gordon Pirie beaten by black ...
The Final Copper Process - copper refinery at Ndola.
Survey into Sight - St. John mobile eyesight survey in bush.
Lifting Trees Roots and All - the Carey Stumper new invention.
Do it ...
New Club for Newsmen - Sir and Lady Welensky open Press Club.
Snakes alive - Salisbury's snake park.
To Back Up Tobacco Farmers - Roy Welensky opens tobacco research station at Broken Hill ...
New Fangs for the Air Force - Canberrra bombers.
Take the Whole Family - drive in cinema at Mabelreign.
This is How it is Done - copper ore digger.
Wonder Hole at Sinoia Caves.
N. Rhodesian Elections - at polls in Lusaka.
Swearing in of Mr. Savavhu - first African minister.
Legislative Council opens in Lusaka - by Sir Arthur Benson.
Lord Dalhousie Opens Fedeeral ...
Token of Gratitude - presentation of ambulance to Bulawayo hospital.
Straight from the Dog's Mouth - dog show.
Roughing it in Comfort - tent/caravan trailer.
Latest in Bush Clearing - balls ...
Another Big Dam Project Starts - Kyle Dam.
Gubernatorial Change-Over - Sir Arthur Benson leaves, Sir Evelyn and Lady Hone are sworn in.
Boon to Federation Farmers - new fertiliser plant.
The Jamboree - Lord Roallen attends international janboree in Salisbury.
Nyasaland Back to Normal - after emergency March 1959.
Round the Federation - Barobe chief knighted, manufacture's fair ...
Extracts from RHODESIAN SPOTLIGHTs, a cinemagazine.
"Visit of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury". Geoffrey Fisher at Victoria Falls, Lusaka and Kitwe, and various mission in between. A visit to ...
Documentary on Hong Kong
Dealing with illicit diamond smuggling on the Sierra Leone. Commentary by Franklin Engelman.
Episodes in the lives of an English family living on the banks of the Ganges. Filmed in India, from a book by Rumer Godden.
RNAS Hal Far's Air Display, 28th August, 1954.
Ratings of HMS Falcon clean an Avenger in preparation for air display. Rockets are led under the wing of an Attacker; cleaning of Attacker and ...
"Welcome to the NATO fleet."
Robert Mackenzie talks about the NATO meeting (1957?). "The word interdependence is important - it has a new emphasis. It is built of a Soviet initiative. NATO brings together ...
Prince Philip talks about his world tour of 1956-57. Scenes in Ceylon, Australia, Antarctica and The Gambia.
Report on the Bahamas Islands focuses on the colony's precarious dependence on tourism (95% American) and includes an interview with the leader of the Opposition Progressive Liberal Party.
Playground image (water- ...
Report shows why the inhabitants of Gibraltar and Britain's defence staff wish the colony to remain British.
Mayor of Gibraltar traces the racial history of the Rock's inhabitants and concludes that they are ...
HMS Glasgow comes alongside Parlatorio Wharf in Malta and men of No 3 Royal Marine Commando disembark.
Slow LA.CU pan from port quarter to boat deck of HMS Glasgow as she comes ...
I. Palace Barracks, Holywood, Northern Ireland. Taking the salute, 1956
II. 1st Battalion Royal Northumberland Fusiliers in New Territories, Hong Kong, 1959.
III. Palace Barracks, Holywood, Northern Ireland. St George's Day, 1957 ...
The Canopus touching down in Montego Bay; the visit to Kingston, the American n naval reception at Panama; the enthusiasm of the people.