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    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    RAF troops leaving for Iraq (51ft).

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    The Empire Premiers inspect the airship R.33 and its mooring post (96ft).

    Great Britain

    The control of hookworm disease in Kenya.


    NILE 1926

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. Travelogue. A journey through Egypt on a Nile steamboat. The boat passes all types of rivercraft (120), stretches of dense vegetation (160), birds (181), a water-buffalo (196) and a typical water-side village (257). The boat ...

    Great Britain

    DOCUMENTARY. Sections of footage showing African wildlife and penguins.

    MCU pile of film cans, the top can is marked with Cherry Kearton's signature, a reel of film is taken from this can (14). Main title (16). Gap (16). MCU herd ...

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    Leopold Amery, the Colonial Secretary, and Empire premiers gathered for the Imperial Conference at 10 Downing Street (88ft).


    BEAU GESTE 1926


    Three brothers shoulder the blame for a theft, and join the Foreign Legion.

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    The Empire Premiers opn HMS 'Revenge' witness a mock battle and naval display at sea. (Mackenzie King and William Cosgrave did not attend) (149ft).

    Note. There is a large amount of off-cut material for this item. ...

    Great Britain

    Amateur film of the various stages in the digging of ditches to drain subsoil to assist in malaria control

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    Schoolschildren celebrating Empire Day (50ft).


    Story of Prince Gautama and how he became Lord Buddha, the Enlightened One.

    Great Britain

    Filmed amongst the Sura and Angas people of the Bauchi Plateau in Northern Nigeria, where the rivalry between a British District Officer and a tin miner leads to war.

    The film introduces the main protagonists. Yilkuba, the witch ...