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    Scenes of the Royal visit to the respective countries

    RHODESIAN SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Visit of Queen Mother to Rhodesia 4th - 15th July l957.


    The visit of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh during their world tour on 24th Novemebr 1953.

    Great Britain

    Picture of the ceremonies that attended the visit; Queen Salote's reception and banquet; native music and dancing.


    Mute unedited film apparently relating to the relief of the West Kents by the Hampshires in Western Pahang in January 1954 during the Malayan Emergency.

    The film covers three events. I. A parade by troops of the ...


    The rubber industry in Malaya.

    The rubber plantation with tappers doing their job. From June 1948 onwards, when Malaya's emergency began, new areas were still cleaned for planting; footage of the seedlings being ...

    Rees Collection

    Domestic scenes at the Rees's bungalow in Kilifi, showing the preparation of meals and outdoor bungalow shots. Beach scenes at the Kilifi Social Club.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Rees joined ...

    Rees Collection

    Various shots of the Teacher Training College at Kagumo, fortified against Mau Mau attack. Nyeri township, and manually operated ferries on the journey from Mombasa to Mr Rees' new posting to Kilifi District in the Coast Province. ...

    Rees Collection

    Kilifi township and its pot holed approach road haphazardly lined with mud and makuti houses. The local prison, known as 'King Georgi Hoteli', and the Kilifi Club , the centre for expatriate social and sporting activities. Fishing ...

    Rees Collection

    Outward Bound course for boys (teenagers) from the Outward Bound Mountain School. At Loitokitok taking part in a competition on Mount Kilimanjaro for 'The Governor's Spear'.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Rees joined the Staff of ...

    Rees Collection

    Tana River and education for its small riverband settlements. Village scenes amongst different tribal groups. Educational inspection visits made by light aeroplane and river canoe. Overflight of Lamu Island and landing amongst its swamps ...

    Rees Collection

    Family holidays in the Tsavo National Game Park and at the oceanside in Kwale District.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Rees joined the Staff of the Kagumo Teacher Training College in Kenya as an Education Officer in 1953. He ...

    Rees Collection

    Domestic scenes in Kilifi, the beach and the Club. The annual Royal Agricultural Show in Nairobi with British Army massed bands. Celebrations in Kilifie of the Queen's Official Birthday. Mombasa: Arab quarter, the Social Club and a ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Tour of Nyasaland, Europe, U.K. and arrival back in Cape Town.

    'Holiday Highlights. Nyasaland - Rome - Switzerland - Austria - France - Entebbe - Germany - UK: Buckingham Palace Guard. Duke of Yorks School, Dover; ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Documenting the African bee, native traditional bee keepers and the bee-keeping industry in Africa.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film of Nyasaland and the Northern Rhodesian Federation (No. 44).

    Contents: The Royal Tour: Queen Mother and Princess Margaret, 30th June 1953; wildlife; the Zambezi Regatta 1953; Victoria Falls; Livingstone Airport;

    tea ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film about the building of the Kariba Dam and its effect on the lives of the local people.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film about the Victoria Falls on the borders of Northern and Southern Rhodesia.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of ...

    Richard Barker Collection

    8 reels of various scenes in South Africa and Kenya, 1950s. Places include Nyeri, East London, Ciskei, Stutterheim. Also some reels on board ship.

    Roach Collection

    Scenes in the Seychelles. Mahe island from the sea, Victoria and the shops. Football match, HMS Kenya, meeting and country show. Churches, beaches and schools. Grinding corn and other island life. Visiting the lesser islands, catching ...

    Roach Collection

    Scenes in the Seychelles. Mahe and Victoria. Island life, garden party, wedding and Corpus Christi parade. Beach, sailing to outer islands, church, waterfalls, forests, and sailing. Overview of the islands, forest walks, boat building ...

    Roach Collection

    Begins with title board for Roach film 'Scenes in the Seychelles'. Then changes to colour family footage. Girls sitting on giant tortoise. Beach scenes, ships (colour). Revert to b/w (possibly footage from 'Scenes…'?). Shipboard scenes. ...

    Roach Collection

    A short clip of two European toddlers (the Roaches?), inside a bungalow, then playing on a beach. Some baby turtles swim in a bath. There is also a demonstration of rope making.

    Roach Collection

    A short clip mainly around a confirmation service for many local girls dressed in white and accompanied by a large congregation outside of the standard corrugated roof church

    Roach Collection

    A large gathering of formally dressed adults is seen surrounding a two storey non-native building. A group of formally dressed local children pose for the camera outside a church, and the elders disperse or pose to the camera. The Roach ...

    Roach Collection

    Girls on giant tortoise. Hitting tortoise with stick. Swimming. Man with six fingers.

    Roach Collection

    Infant playing in garden. Wedding. Some landscape scenes.

    Roach Collection

    Mission hospital? Leper. Coastal scenes. Local boys climbing a greasy pole? Offcial visit: Governor? Crowds listen to address. Sailing ships.

    Roach Collection

    Giant tortoise. Coastal and shipboard scenes. Hunting of sea turtles (possibly same footage as Roach 007?). Ships at sea. Coastal scenes, fairy tern. Views of coast from on board ship.

    Roach Collection

    Family and home scenes.


    I. Whirlwind WV.193 (recognition letter E) lands on a cleared patch in the jungle and soldiers unload tractor parts. Using sheers and lifting tackle the soldiers begin assembling the parts. Further ...


    SARAWAK 1958


    "Progress and developnent in Sarawak, once the land of headhunters, ruled by a White Rajah. The Dyaks, natives of Sarawak, still keep to their customs and cultures, but have accepted modern ideas and serve on Local Councils with other ...


    SARAWAK 1951

    INTEREST. The wood-pulp industry in Sarawak.

    A man splits logs into rough sections while another puts the sections against a circular saw to make wood-shavings (88). The wood-shavings are placed into a machine through which water is run to ...


    Reel 1: "RISALPUR TO SINGAPORE - JAN 1938". A Hawker Hart starts up on airfield. "AMBALA WHERE WE FILLED UP...". Row of Harts lined up on airfield. Men cranking up motor vehicle engine by hand. "...AND HANDED IN NAVIGATION LOGS". Navigation logs ...


    Amateur film shot by Lieutenant Commander Alex Swann while serving as Electrical Commander on HMS Indefatigable in the Home Fleet Training Squadron between November 1950 and April 1953 records HMS Vanguard entering Gibraltar, views down from Rock of ...

    Great Britain

    The work and living conditions of the scientists who man the seven bases set up in the Falkland Islands Dependencies.


    The Scottish Air Division (RNVR) visit to Malta, August 1953.

    Air crews at work, RNVR officers relaxing on the beach at Kalafrana. Flag Officer 2 visits to RNVR Squadrons at Hal Far (Vice- ...


    Naval publicity short featuring the Sea Hawks of 806 NAS onboard HMS Centaur in the Mediterranean. The emphasis is on the aerobatic skill of the pilots rather than any more martial qualities ...


    848 Squadron demonstrates deplaning by rope, parachuting, and abseiling (necessary if a parachutist becomes entangled in jungle trees). The Secretary of State then goes on to ...




    Horace Underwood and Percy Chen on Communist China. The influx of refugees to Hong Kong and the problems caused.


    Murrow interviews California Gov. Earl Warren. "India, 1953": report on the political, social and economic climate including interview with Nehru.

    Great Britain

    Documentary describing the rapid growth of the Nigerian palm oil trade.


    Celebrations, attended by the Princess Royal, to mark the introduction of self-government in Western Nigeria in November 1957.

    The film opens with street scenes, highlighting the preparations for the impending celebrations. The new offices ...


    SELF-HELP 1951

    Deals with the communist "threat" to an isolated village in Malaysia and promotes the concept of self-help, encouraging the tradition of consulting territorial chiefs who then consult with the district officers. The film shows an example of isolated ...


    Botswanan politician, Khama, is allowed to return for five days, from exile, because his wife is expecting a baby.

    [Son of the Bamangwato chief Sekoma II (died 1925), Khama studied law in the UK and married an ...


    Seretse Khama is seen arriving in a flying boat at Southampton with his wife and child. He is starting his five year exile from Bechuanaland. It is reported that before leving Africa, Seretse came to an agreement with ...


    Shows cadets of many nations training at the Federation of Malaya's Military Academy.