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    Great Britain

    Khyber Pass: Mule train/camel train/outpost (125). Kashmir: Dal lake (near Srinagar). Agra: cattle market, Taj Mahal, market scenes, Red Fort (240 feet).

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    King George V and Queen Mary visit the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley and see the miniature railway (108ft).

    Note: See also 111ft offcuts under title (QUEEN MARY AT EXHIBITION).

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    ACTUALITY. An amalgamation of two events featuring the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley. The opening of the exhibition by King George V (23/4/1925) and the royal visit with King Ferdinand and Queen Marie of Rumania (14/5/ ...

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    Main title. No series number. "Pictures Exclusive to Topical Budget" (6). "A Panorama presenting some of Wembley's Wonders" (10). Iris out to LS of the buildings at the British Empire Exhibition, Wembley, pan left (27). " ...

    Great Britain

    Home movie footage of the reception.

    Keddie Collection

    Egyptian country life with riverbank laundering, donkey transport of hay. European car driving in the desert. Getting water. Peasant funeral cortege. Use of donkeys by peasant families. Rocky desert countryside and the ruins of Petra. ...

    Kendal Collection

    Water divining. British army officers preparing for duty in India. School boys scenes with Harrovian Boater. Extended outdoor British Middle Class family domestic scenes. Small girls playing. Family outdoor meal in garden with table & ...


    Swimmers in Bermuda demonstrate diving and formation swimming.

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    The funeral of Christian de Wet, Boer guerilla leader and politician in South Africa (61ft).

    Great Britain

    Footage of Sir Harry Lauder's round the world trip, camp life in Africa (?).

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. Record of a journey in Africa, possibly in Nigeria.

    No titles. Europeans stand by a train (1 frame). Logs seen floating in the sea. The sea can be seen stretching to the horizon. At another angle the land can be seen a a ...


    Scenes of everyday life in New Guinea.