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    BUGANDA 1927

    Great Britain

    AMATEUR. Pageant of Old Days - part of the Uganda jubilee celebrations (50 years since the arrival of whites). The pageant depicts men coming down from heaven to earth. The final of H.H. The Kabaka's Cup - VIP's in the stand. H.H. The ...


    INDIA 1927

    Great Britain
    Great Britain

    DRAMA. Historical/Documentary. The reconstruction of two sea engagements of the First World War - the Battles of the Coronel of 1st November 1914 and the Battles of the Falkland Islands of 8th December 1914.

    RL.1 The British Navy ...

    Great Britain

    Home movie footage of the Wicket family of Penarth Estate rubber plantation Enggor, Cameron Highlands of Malaya.

    EMPIRE SERIESGreat Britain

    An annual race meeting at Maseru, Basutoland.

    Introduced as the 'annual native race meeting' at Maseru in Basutoland, the film opens with shots of the crowds travelling on the roads to the races. During the journey ...


    TORO 1927 1927

    Great Britain

    Amateur film.

    Girls school run by missionaries - shots of Miss Attlee teaching the girls English games with African actions (e.g. "This is the way we dig our garden" instead of "wash our hands"); Miss Marshall and the girl guides ( ...

    Great Britain

    Travelogue of Malaya.


    TARZAN 1927

    Great Britain

    PROPAGANDA. Appeal by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel for funds to continue its work on Tristan da Cunha. The film consists of material shot during the visit to the island by The Quest in 1922, previously released in ...


    PURI 1927

    Great Britain

    Amateur film. Europeans and Indians at Puri, India.

    EMPIRE SERIESGreat Britain

    INDUSTRIAL/ETHNOLOGY. Film on the Nigerian cotton industry and how the natives use cotton themselves in the manufacture of clothing.


    Great Britain

    The industrial development of West Africa (probably Gold Coast and Nigeria) under British rule.

    West Africa before it was developed; forests (28-43); swamps (45-52); deserts (55-60). Men crossing a river by a tree branch (66-78). Two ...