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    Great Britain

    INTEREST. Travelogue of Uganda around the Semliki river.

    Main title: "This chapter being `ON THE EQUATOR'" (5). Credit and intertitle (29). LS of bush, mountains in background and bird sitting on tree branch (31). LS of bull elephant ...

    Great Britain

    A broad look at African life and missionary work, contrasting old and new ways and Europeans and native Africans.

    Great Britain

    A ruined planter makes good in Australia and returns in time to save his fiancée from a nunnery.

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    Lord Allenby, High Commissioner for Egypt, returns for conference. Filmed with his mother (34ft).

    Great Britain

    The opening ceremony of Takoradi harbour by the Rt. Hon. J.H. Thomas on 3rd April 1928. Mr Thomas and the Governor, Sir Ransford Slater talk to Gold Coast chiefs. Others present are Lady Slater, Sir Robert McAlpine, Sir Joseph Byrne, and ...


    TRAVELOGUE. Item from a cinemagazine showing waterways in San Chiao-pu, China - views of house-lined waterways (64); the nearby resort of Mokan-shan (103); and Burmese dancers and musicians performing before a temple (142ft).


    The Calcutta seaplane presents herself at Westminster for MPs inspection.

    Great Britain

    ACTUALITY. A record of the Prince of Wales' Indian tour, 1921-22.

    Rl.1 Arrival of the Prince at Bombay on November 17th, 1921 and reading a message from the King; the King's message is included in the sub-titles preceding each shot ...


    This is described as "The Official film record of the pilgrimage of HRH the Prince of Wales to the far east from Portsmouth; via Gibraltar, Malta, Ceylon, Malay States, and Hong Kong to the Land of the Sun". Also visited are Manila, Brunei, and Cairo ...

    Great Britain

    A detailed look at rice cultivation in Burma.

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    Prince Henry in Hyde Park for Empire Day celebrations (52ft).

    Great Britain

    Filmed amongst the Sura and Angas people of the Bauchi Plateau in Northern Nigeria, where the rivalry between a British District Officer and a tin miner leads to war.

    The film introduces the main protagonists. Yilkuba, the witch ...