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    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    Prince Henry in Hyde Park for Empire Day celebrations (52ft).

    EMPIRE SERIESGreat Britain

    Scenes from Basutoland.

    The intertitles outline a history of Basutoland, interspersed with shots of a Bushman and a tribal leader, before showing a local village, and its 'native huts'. Aspects of local life are depicted ...

    Great Britain

    Salvation army workers among the Bhil tribesmen, caring for Burmese and Ceylonese children, and the work of the Catherine Booth Memorial Hospital. Native life and scenes in India, Burma and Ceylon.

    Rl. 1. Travelling along a country ...


    DOCUMENTARY. Extract showing scenes of an African native funeral, in which women dance around the seated corpse (43-162); a montage of the dancing women (191 ft).

    Great Britain

    Dramatisation of the life of the African missionary David Livingstone.

    Opening with shots from Livingstone's childhood ('youth's most precious heritage - the influence of home'), the film next shows Livingstone studying medicine at ...


    NIONGA 1925 has video enhanced entry

    Great Britain

    A drama of tribal life in Central Africa.

    'Nionga, a chieftain's daughter, is induced by a vindictive witch-doctor to persuade her betrothed lover, Kasari, to plot the destruction of a neighbouring tribe. During the wedding ...

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    King George V and Queen Mary at Wembley Stadium for Empire Day service (65ft).


    The King-Emperor's horse race at Calcutta, India.

    Government of India Censor Certificate (6). Main title (10). "The King Emperor's Cup Race 1925" (18). Scenes at Calcutta race track, Europeans passing the camera entering the course (102). "Scenes ...


    ACTUALITY. The Governor of Bengal, Lord Lytton, inspects the Governor's Bodyguard in Calcutta.

    Main title. The Governor and his party get out of a car at the inspection ground, a wide expanse of grass and trees (30). Lord Lytton mounts a horse by ...


    TRAVELOGUE. Item from a cinemagazine showing waterways in San Chiao-pu, China - views of house-lined waterways (64); the nearby resort of Mokan-shan (103); and Burmese dancers and musicians performing before a temple (142ft).


    Amateur film. Waterway in Srinigar; bridge; waterfront and river traffic.


    UTI 1925 1925

    Amateur film showing a hill station above Madras and a tiger hunt. Various shots of the Togas tribe. Scenes of Port Said and Aden.