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    Family life in Tanganyika, including everyday scenes, and the work of white nurses in improving the health and standards of the people.


    TEA 1955

    Great Britain

    Historical introduction (tea in China, its arrival in Europe, etc.) followed by the presentation of tea industry in East Africa; plucking, growing, blending, packing, exports, etc.

    Great Britain

    Amateur. Scenes in Tanga on the coast of Tanzania.

    View from bungalow looking over to coast - Pemba Island (?) Black servant with a large fish. Views of ships in harbour. Small fishing boats. Telecommunications tower. General views ...

    Great Britain

    Aspects of the major social problems raised by the rapid industrialisation of Northern Rhodesia; work done by the missionaries.

    Great Britain

    On Savaii. The largest island in Western Samoa. Children playing in the thick tropical rainforest. Matavai village. Dignified old men make speeches and use a fly whisk. Vaipouli village. Boys, wearing Siapo, primitive clothing made from ...


    The operation of a mechanical workshop (PWD IJORA) which repairs government machinery and property in Nigeria.


    The election and appointment of the new archbishop of West Africa, James Lawrence Horstead of Freetown, Sierra Leone who replaced Leslie Gordon Vining of Lagos at the Cathedral Church of Christ, Lagos.

    Great Britain

    Conditions faced by a team of explorers looking for oil. Principal locations Persian Gulf, Canada, Papua, Zanzibar, Trinidad.


    QATAR 1955

    Great Britain

    Qatar's new found prosperity due to the oil industry.

    RHODESIAN SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Compilation of early Spotlights, including - Katambora reform school, fumigation of bagged grain, safari on river Luangwa, stock car racing, visit of S. Rhodesian MP's to North, Chief Katumbi and tribe ...


    The destruction of Rhodesia's native timber resources and the need for careful management of that resource.

    RHODESIA AND NYASALAND NEWSCentral African Federation

    Chieftainess Luwezhi installed at Chavuma, head messenger retires, training African nurses in Nyasaland, the Kyusa dancers, Jairos Jiri- friend of the people.

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. A travelogue set in Western Uganda, bordering the Congo. View across the Ruwenzori Mountains. The hot, sulphur springs on the savannah plains (130-155). Contrast of dense jungle on mountain side. Bamboo growing in the jungle ...

    Great Britain


    RHODESIAN SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Compilation of early Spotlights, no's 20-30, including, lake Nyasa developments, reopening of old copper mine, the story of rubber, news from Lusaka and Salisbury, Blantyre's diamond jubilee, and Falcon ...


    A review of the then current state of Rhodesia of its past and future prospects - a very optimistic and very white vision.

    Great Britain

    The participants of and shots of the Kenya Himal Chuli expedition of 1955.

    Shot of the Himal Chuli (Himalchuli Mountain) in Nepal. The Participants - John Howard and the photographer of the expedition Arthur Firmin and John Lane, ...


    TIMBER 1955


    The operation of the PWD Sawmill in Nigeria.


    January 7th 1955. An announcement by Chief Awolowo, Premier of the Western Region of Nigeria at the radio station? He talks of free universal primary education. A primary school, children admitted, a visit by the Premier and the Minister Of ...


    Leaving from Swiss (?) airport (Swiss flag flying), followed by views from airplane of coastline. East African local flora: collecting seeds by shaking tree and the seeds 'exploding' off. Sisal production process including farming, separating, drying ...

    Great Britain

    Scenes of the 1955 Trinidad carnival shot by Alan Broad, British Trade Commissioner in Trinidad, 1950-1960.

    South Africa

    INTEREST. The production of copper in Northern Rhodesia. Welfare facilites provided for the mining communities, including the towns of Mufulira, N'Kana, Ndola and Chingola.

    RHODESIAN SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Compilation from early Spotlights, no's 8-14, including. Land clearance at Karoi, Chingola mining town, soil conservation in Nyasaland, expansion of Salisbury, cultivation of cow pox, railway construction ...


    The work of the African Messenger service in Northern Rhodesia. Looks at a typical day's duties of a chief messenger and his five colleagues working for the district commissioner. i) The first messenger drives a lorry full of cement to the site ...