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    PALESTINE 1925

    Great Britain

    A travelogue showing Acre, the river Jordan, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, Jericho, Bethlehem and Hebron.

    Great Britain

    INDUSTRIAL. The collection and manufacture of palm nuts and palm oil; travelling shots along the River Niger and its tributaries; and rubber plantations in Nigeria.

    Main title (6). Cutting down the palm fruit (24-43); stripping the ...


    Newsreel item on the return of a Fairey Long Range Monoplane to Cranwell, completing its flight to India and back, 15th June 1929.

    The aircraft comes in to land at Cranwell and taxies to a halt. The crew members, ...


    This film is a record of two trips by the director to the Torres Strait Islands, and to Papua in 1920-21 and 1922-23.


    Amateur footage of a polo match at Patna and a leopard hunt. View of elephants with hunters in howdahs. Line of beaters and the elephants surrounding the leopard. The dead leopard. The group at the end of the shoot.


    Travelogue showing the people and buildings of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.

    The initial title explains that 'this capital city of the most southern West Indian island is an extremely interesting ...


    Story of Prince Gautama and how he became Lord Buddha, the Enlightened One.

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    "INCIDENTS DURING HIS VISIT TO FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE". Two shots of official ceremonies during which the Prince is not seen recognisably. "CHOCOLATE GIRL GUIDES". African girl guides and the Prince talking to their leader. " ...

    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    MAIN TITLE Prince of Wales [later, Edward, Duke of Windsor] sets sail from Portsmouth for India on the 'Renown' (55ft).

    Note: Harold Jeapes accompanied the Prince of Wales on his tour of India and Japan, presumably ...


    The Prince of Wales at the town of Suva, Fiji. Filmed by Barker.

    EMPIRE SERIESGreat Britain

    Life in an agricultural village in the Punjab and the daily round.


    PURI 1927

    Great Britain

    Amateur film. Europeans and Indians at Puri, India.