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    Documentary on the colony of Hong Kong.


    Sheila Mary's first summer at Barang camp. Bedded down for her siesta. Watching Debtas's band. Peter the dog does a trust exercise with a biscuit on it's nose. Crossing Lingodan rickety bridge and screes. Baspa gorge. Pram and servants on road. ...


    Pulley system with yaks walking downhill to pull sleepers up it. Processes in the building of a 2 mile 'wet slide' to transport the sleepers where the river is too fierce - planning the alignment, carpenters shaping the trestles, and bits of the ...


    Official tour by Europeans of various irrigation installations in India


    Marking and measuring trees in Wadang forest. Moving camp across rough country in Pandra Bis (very dark). Felling and sawing work in the Deodar and Pine Forests. Squaring logs before sawing. Sawing work and children playing. Fishing out large logs from ...

    United States of America

    Compilation film of events in Arabia, autumn 1917 to spring 1918.

    A portrait still of Colonel T E Lawrence. The embarkation of supplies and sheep on SS Ozarda at Port Said, the journey to Jidda, ...

    United States of America

    Compilation film of events in Palestine, autumn 1917 to spring 1918.

    2nd Battalion, the Black Watch, led by its pipe band along a desert road. "The Australian Camel Corps" (actually pack camels ...

    United States of America

    Compilation film of views of Bethlehem and Jerusalem, late 1917 or early 1918.

    Street scenes in Bethlehem, the Church of Saint Mary, the Gardens of Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa, the Holy ...


    BAGHDAD 1928 has video enhanced entry

    EMPIRE SERIESGreat Britain

    INTEREST: Travelogue. Map (44); views of Baghdad from the river, with crowds crossing Maude Bridge, which is laid across floating boats (108); statue of General Maude (127); views of the river Tigris (150); a 'guffah' or tub ...

    Great Britain

    Travelgoue. Scenes in Peshawar, the village of Kabla, the Khyber Pass and Lundi Kotal.

    Map of the world, CU of the position of India (48-78). A town (84). Map showing Afghanistan and the North West Frontier province (105-134). Pan ...

    HEART OF ASIAGreat Britain

    A journey by car and camel, through Persia and on to Quetta in Baluchistan.

    Camel caravan (57-68). Man leading mules (71-75). An Englishman setting off for the `back door' of India by car (85-101). Kermanshah, the first ...

    Great Britain

    Khyber Pass: Mule train/camel train/outpost (125). Kashmir: Dal lake (near Srinagar). Agra: cattle market, Taj Mahal, market scenes, Red Fort (240 feet).