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    TOPICAL BUDGETGreat Britain

    10,000 children greet Queen Alexandra in Hyde Park.


    Members of the Rafai Fakir sect of Hyderabad perform rituals: dislocation of eyeball, skewering of neck, cheeks, skull and tongue.


    Rafai Fakirs demonstrate their rites in the gardens of Hunt's bungalow.

    Great Britain

    Amateur film showing Sir Hugh Stephenson, local scenes in Patna and Ranchi districts of India. Scenes include; seeing the Governor, Sir Hugh Stephenson, off at the station; the Governor's staff; dead tiger; a picnic; bison; dead deer; ...


    RIVER NILE 1925


    TRAVELOGUE. The Blue Nile; monuments of Wadi Halfa.

    The Blue Nile (9-14); the ancient monuments south of Wadi Halfa (22-29); further shots of the tombs and temples (34-62); natives and donkeys and children seated on the ground ...


    Amateur film. Waterway in Srinigar; bridge; waterfront and river traffic.



    Great Britain

    Sir Alan Cobham's 20,000 mile flight round Africa in a Short's `Singapore' flying boat, between November 1927 and June 1928.


    Amateur film presumably shot by a British Army officer in the Royal Artillery serving at Quetta records full-track carrier and Morris Commercial truck towing guns on difficult sandy terrain and various off-duty scenes with British Army wives boating ...

    Great Britain

    ACTUALITY. A record of Edward, Prince of Wales' visit to India and Nepal, 1921. Prince at Calcutta; the Malakand Pass; and tiger hunting in Nepal.

    No main title. A building outlined in lights (8). Arrival of the Prince in open landau ...

    Great Britain

    AMATEUR FILM of a Safari in East Africa made by Glen Kidston. The film shows scenes from the Suez Canal, Port Sudan, Aden, Fort Jesus, Mombassa and Nairobi. There are also images of Sudanese natives and views of the P&O SS Mooltan. The ...

    Great Britain

    A record of a safari in East Africa.

    The 5th Battalion King's East African Rifles returning from a route march. Government House, Nairobi including Lt. Col. Sir Edward Grigg, the Governor. The members of the expedition, the ...