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    Nigeria: Palm oil mill. A modern method of palm oil extraction. Gold Coast: Houses to last. A quick and inexpensive way of building houses.

    'Nigeria - a Modern Method of Palm Oil Extraction' Two men walk to palm ...

    Great Britain

    Near Nairobi, Kenya. Africans build a good permanent house using mainly materials which are available on the spot.

    In a local village a colonial official arrives in a car to help re-build a house for locals. The film commentary ...

    Great Britain

    The copper mining industry in Northern Rhodesia.

    Great Britain

    An animated map is shown, followed by general views of the country, and its peop le and their work. Concluding with a horse race.

    Great Britain

    Students trained at Achimota College in Ghana in modern methods of spinning and weaving pass on their knowledge to a village in Togoland where a primitive loom is still in use.

    Great Britain

    Entertainment film for children's cinema clubs.

    Great Britain

    A Nigerian hand-farmer sees the benefits of his neighbour's mixed farm; the running of a mixed farm, including the cultivation of ground-nuts and cattle keeping.


    Diamond mines, Victoria Falls, rain forest and other geographical features.

    Great Britain

    DOCUMENTARY/PROPAGANDA. Rushes for an unreleased and unfinished production documenting various talented members of the black community in Britain.

    207306A Scene 5 Take 1: Black man and white man at a night club join in applause. The ...

    Great Britain

    HOME MOVIES. Scenes of the sugar cane industry in British Guiana (Guyana).

    Sugar cane loaded from boat onto a river bank. Man cutting down cane with a machete. Man carrying cane on head and throwing it into a large rectangular ...

    Great Britain

    ACTUALITY. The 1948 Conservative Party conference: Oliver Stanley's speech on the benefits brought to the colonies by private enterprise and R.A.Butler's presentation of the Agricultural Charter.

    Great Britain

    Tour round a market place in Accra, made from COI material taken in the Gold Coast.