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    GUO HUN 1948

    A historical costume drama, adapted from a popular stage play (A Patriot), glorifying the Song minister Wen Tianxiang, who chose to die for the dynasty in the 12th century rather than surrender to the alien enemy. The film serves as a political ...


    Depicts a voyage on board the London MIssionary Society Ship, the John Williams VI, to the Pacific Islands, including Beru (Gilbert Islands), Apia (Samoa), Suva (Fiji), Fife Bay, Port Moresby and Moru (Papua), Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne (Australia ...


    Includes item on Gandhi's fasts in India to bring about Hindu and Muslim unificaiton.


    AMATEUR. Footage of events in Bahrain 1938-48.


    I. Scenes on board HMS Ocean: individual aircraft run up engines; parked aircraft ranged on after deck; Fairey Firefly Mk 5 is towed aft by small tractor; CU as chockman frees Firefly NF.1 as engine starts up; CU diamond-and-square pilot signaller on ...

    United States of America

    US Army Documentary film, using stock footage throughout, on the retaking of the Gilbert Islands (a colony of the British Empire from 1916 until 1976) from Japanese forces in November 1943. The film illustrates the use of naval ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. "Aktuelles in Kuerze." a. Lord Pakenham gives press conference in Berlin (pledge of non-abandonment); Lindley Fraser of BBC also speaks. b. Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, after illness, resumes duties: congratulations from ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. Berlin. Centenary commemoration of the March 1848 Revolution; wreaths laid at monument, presentation in theatre, and mass rally addressed by leaders of SDP, CDU and LDP parties.

    II. "Streiflichter aus Deutschland." a. ...

    Allied Military Government

    I. "Streiflichter aus Deutschland." a. Alpine farmers moving with families and farm animals to higher summer pastures. b. Congress of German radio 'hams' in Bad Lauterberg (demonstrations and exercise; English guests). c. A ...

    Great Britain

    A Ugandan agricultural student visits a number of farms to pass on the knowledge he has acquired of fertilisation and the prevention of soil erosion.

    Great Britain

    Description of life in the principal regions of Nigeria; Katsina, the Plateau country, and the Eastern and Western provinces; shows nature of country, customs and religious rituals, crafts, and administrative and health services.

    The ...


    BASUTO BOY 1947 has video enhanced entry

    Great Britain

    A short story for children about a Basuto-boy herdsman and his adventures in dealing with cattle thieves.

    The second reel (of two) shows Lesaoama, a Basuto boy, as he travels across icy mountains on a Basuto pony in order to tell his ...