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    Outline of the Royal Family's tour of Southern Rhodesia in 1947.

    Landscape. A plane lands at Salisbury; George VI and Princess Margaret step out. A second plane arrives; Queen Elizabeth and Princess Elizabeth are greeted by Sir John ...


    "Cecil Rhodes brought peace to what is now Southern Africa. The Africans were a primitive people...superstitious and wasteful...". An African describes what his people have learnt from the white man: new and improved crops, soil erosion, ...


    Includes: redundancies in British factories caused by fuel shortages; British youths emigrating as colonists from Britain to Rhodesia.

    Great Britain

    Various tribal dances of the Sukumaland people of Africa.

    Great Britain

    Amateur film showing Muslim refugees arriving in Pakistan from India and at Lahore station.

    Great Britain

    INTEREST. Travelogue. The island of Bermuda as a holiday resort. Includes the ceremonial handing over of office from one Governor General to another. A trip around the island by carriage. St Peter's Church and Gibb's Hill lighthouse.


    Inter-colonial sports. Nigeria v Gold Coast at Lagos 1947.

    'Inter-Colonial Sports Nigeria v Gold Coast, Lagos 1947'. The police ground Ikoyi, Lagos 19/4/1947, the venue of the AAA meeting. Europeans and ...

    Great Britain

    Amateur film. Corvette catcher; man hauled up from whale catcher; tanker; helicopter; football ground; Leith Harbour; tanks.


    The historic past, cultural and economic present and potential future of Palestine are all portrayed as (mainly implicit) criticism of "the tension and uncertainty of the last 25 years."

    Film of the Jordan valley and ...


    Government film about the opening of the Nigerian legislative council.

    (Reels One and Three only viewed). The introduction provides a brief and uncritical review of progress made in Nigeria - Lagos converted from a ...


    The events in Karachi and in Delhi around Independence Day, 15 August 1947.

    On the eve of independence, Jinnah (the new Governor General of Pakistan) and Lord and Lady Mountbatten arrive at the Constituent Assembly ...


    (22B/second series) June/July 1947: Dr Magnes (President of Hebrew University of Jerusalem) addresses members of UNSCOP (United Nations Special Committee on Palestine), speaking in English at the end of a luncheon; Sandstrom chairman of UNSCOP ...