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    Two titled newsreel items on Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring inspecting Luftwaffe units at airbase in Southern Italy, preceding extended aerial coverage of bombing of Malta by Junkers Ju 88 and Messerschmitt Me 110 aircraft, and battle scenes on ...


    I. Funeral of Adolf Hhnlein. State funeral of founder of NSKK takes place in Armeemuseum cupola hall. Hitler enters, followed by Bormann, and kisses widow's hand and condoles with other relatives of one of his oldest followers. Funeral march ...


    UFA NR 550 1942


    I. Reopening of Croatian Parliament. Croatian leader Ante Pavelic walks at head of ceremonial procession to old parliament, closed for past twenty-five years. Pavelic climbs stairway and mounts podium to express his thanks to Germany and ...


    I. Springtime agriculture in Southern Crimea. Peasants dig earth against distant background of snow-tipped mountains and vineyards beside sea (Black Sea bordering Southern Crimea ?). Tractors drive out of plant and plough between trees. German ...


    Reel 1: Credits roll over disintegrating Union Jack. Aerial view of Hong Kong establishes site of Britain's approaching defeat, here garrisoned by turbaned Indian troops. Union Jacks fly over commercial centre of the colony, where two well- ...


    German sub-titled version of a Japanese film using a combination of documentary and feature material to cover the training of a Japanese Naval Air Force (JNAF) cadet prior to the attacks on Pearl Harbor and on the ...


    I. "Vision of Peace in the Philippines." Natives on Mindanao work on a hemp plantation, planted two years ago by Japanese settlers. Palms are cut, dried, bound in bales and weighed. People of Asia have for generations suffered under the domination ...


    I. "Grand Imperial military revue." Emperor Hirohito on horseback takes salute at parade of Imperial forces (at Yoyoki ?) on 8 January. Prodigious successes in first month of war have led to collapse of Anglo-American aspirations in East Asia. ...


    Documentary on Japanese advance through Malaya, attack on Singapore, British surrender and Japanese victory parade.

    Heavily laden medium tank Type 97, CHI-HA with palm leaf camouflage advances along road flanked ...


    Compilation covers the Japanese raid on Ceylon and occupation scenes on Guam and Wake Island in the Pacific.

    Carrier force at sea. Mitsubishi A6M2 is pushed on deck. Japanese pilots on board an aircraft carrier ...


    Compilation uses stock shot material to cover sinking of British Force Z off Malaya and actuality of airborne capture of Celebes and air attack on Allied fleet off Java.

    Main title reads "Naval warfare off Malaya. ...


    Compilation shows the Japanese attack on and occupation of New Guinea, the bombing of Darwin, the occupation of the Andaman Islands and the carrier action off Colombo.

    "Capture of New Guinea". Japanese task force ...