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    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    Harold Wilson talks with Robin Day about the recently imposed sanctions on oil exports to Rhodesia.


    Standard travelogue - family accompany father on a business trip to Rhodesia - all the usual sites are visited.


    Army recruiting advertisement.

    A man shown working in a machine shop wants more from life and, following the example of a friend, joins the Army - cut to character as RE mechanic, HQ ...


    Portrait of the British forces helping to defend Aden.

    Behind the tranquillity of the Aden coast (sunbathing on beach) are the "jagged dangerous mountains where Federal Arab Troops stand guard against rebels" (hill ...


    Report marking the end of British rule in Malta uses a survey of the island's history and interviews with Maltese leaders to suggest the course of future developments and to explain why the Labour Party boycotted the ...


    Interviews with a district commissioner, oil executive, student union leader and girl teacher form the basis of this report on the attitudes of African Kenyans outside politics who are typical of the people who will ...


    Report in two sections.

    1. Interviews on the hustings with Kenyatta and Ngala do not reveal the tribal animosity which reporter considers is the crucial factor in dividing the African vote between KANU and KADU. KANU ...


    Report on Trinidad one year after independence focuses on the possibility that political life may develop along racial lines as has happened in nearby British Guiana.

    Island is at present governed by Dr Eric Williams ...


    Creation of Malaysian Federation has incensed Dr Sukarno who considers this grouping of former British colonies a neo-colonialist plot which thwarts his ambitions for territorial expansion .

    Recent violent anti- ...


    Report in two sections: interviews with Southern Rhodesians, followed by a brief international survey of railway problems.

    1. Interviews with Southern Rhodesians recorded before the announcement of Britain's decision ...


    Report examines Gibraltar's precarious economic situation and the Rock's strategic importance to Britain.

    Too small for industry, declining in importance as a passenger and trade sea-port, dependent on hostile Spain ...


    Effect of British semi-withdrawal from Malta.

    Changes in British strategic policy and the development of new weapons have largely contributed to the run-down of service bases on Malta, which is thus deprived of its ...