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    A ceremonial procession of elephants and carriages. Departure of dignitaries in limousines.


    A ceremonial procession of elephants and carriages in a crowded street.


    Forest College Sports, April 1932 - running, hurdles, high-jump, obstacle course, pole fighting, seven-a-side sack fighting (?), children's race. Commander-in-Chief visits Indian Military academy - parade, inspection, medal presentation, group ...


    Amateur film showing construction of a part of the North Western Railway in India; Europeans duck shooting; socializing in India.


    Amateur film shot by Gerald Selous as British Consul at Basra (1930-1932) and as Commercial Counsellor at Cairo (1933-1938) covers British Imperial Airways Hannibal, construction of dam at Jabal Awliya, White Nile, Sudan ...

    Great Britain

    Amateur film showing some of the inland waterway constructions in the Punjab.


    Travelogue of Ceylon. Shrines, pottery, various methods of fishing as used in Ceylon. We see fishing with a hand net, a special kind of drag-net, and fishing from a catamaran. The film ends with a final view of Colombo.


    TRAVELOGUE. Views of Colombo harbour; Tamils unloading of boats; Hindus, Buddhists and Moslems working together; bustling town streets; open air market; a train journey through Mount Lavinia's coconut palms; catamaran fishing boats; Dutch built canals; ...


    ACTUALITY. The fleet at Gibraltar. Harbour shots and battleships. The Governor of Gibraltar, General Sir Alexander Godley dressed for hunting. The Calpe Hunt meet in Spain. Soldiers and sailors feeding the apes. Locals on steep steps in ...


    Amateur film of Indian wildlife. Includes, a black buck; a wild pig being fed; the road to Udaipur; a ram fight, cock fight at Chitor; the Maharajah of Jaipur's head Mahout;(elephant trainer) an elephants fight at Jaipur.