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    I. "Burma - latest newsreel highlights." a. Lieutenant General Sir Oliver Leese is met by his Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Sir Henry Pownall, and C-in-C Ceylon, Major General Wetherall, as he arrives in Colombo to take up his new appointment as ...


    I. "Queen with NFS girls." The Queen, with Princess Elizabeth, is received by Herbert Morrison as she arrives to watch a parade in London by women of the National Fire Service, who afterwards demonstrate their fitness in an outdoor display.

    II. ...


    I. "The road to Mandalay." Report that the Fourteenth Army is beating back the Japanese is accompanied by film illustrating the difficult conditions under which this campaign is being fought: soldiers ford a shallow stream and continue on through a ...


    I. "Lady Louis inspects Indian hospitals." Lady Mountbatten visits a ward speaking to injured soldiers who are bedridden. Others practice "what is called occupational therapy" (sewing), a new idea. The purpose of Lady Mountbatten's visit is said to ...


    I. "Collapse of the Bridge." Engineers repair the Remagen Bridge over the Rhine shortly before its collapse. Film taken immediately after the collapse shows rescue operations under way, including a stretcher casualty being lifted from the buckled ...


    I. "Mandalay Falls." No actual film of the entry of troops into Mandalay, but coverage of a village on the outskirts being pounded by artillery, view of General Rees at a forward position and film of Indian and British troops moving forward along a ...


    I. "Italy. The Last Offensive." Mahratta troops from Central India move up before the 8th Army attack on the Senio River. Crocodile flame-throwers clear a path through an orchard.

    II. "In the Wake of the Hun." Eisenhower visits the ...


    I. "Victory." As Big Ben strikes three o'clock, Churchill broadcasts a statement from his office: "Yesterday morning General Jodl and Admiral Doenitz signed the act of unconditional surrender... Hostilities will end at one minute past midnight on ...


    Contains the items: Princess Launches Largest Tanker Gold in the Back Garden Easter Fashion For All Seretse Back in Bechuanaland Danny Kaye Here Again


    Contains the items: Final Touches to Aintree Course Jet Power for Campbell's Speed Bid Amritsar's Ruins Mountbatten Leaves for India Australia's New Governor General Great Basuto Trek to Salute Royal Family


    Includes item on the Conference on Pakistan held in New Delhi.


    Includes item on Gandhi's fasts in India to bring about Hindu and Muslim unificaiton.