Mobile bank, Lake Nyasa fishermen, hospital guest house, police parade at Lusaka, new Salisbury hospital, farmers day at Msingesi, training nurses at mine hospital, sports at Luanshya. RM 2538
Mobile bank, Lake Nyasa fishermen, hospital guest house, police parade at Lusaka, new Salisbury hospital, farmers day at Msingesi, training nurses at mine hospital, sports at Luanshya. RM 2538
The implementation of the Land Husbandry Act, th people involved and the progress it has had on agriculture and the social economy.
Mission work in Papua New Guinea.
A farmer in the Gold Coast (Ghana) learns how to increase his yield of cocoa through the use of insecticides.
Amateur. Buildings, shops and local life on the island of Zanzibar, East Africa.
View from aircraft landing. Ivory tusks on wagon. Aircraft (East African Airways) on runway. Aerial views from aircraft - clouds and land below. More ...
Compilation of early Spotlights 1955-58 all focusing on the Kariba Dam Scheme from inception to the record floods of 1958.
New Ambulance Service - in Nyasaland. The New Governor-General - Simon Ramsay, Lord Dalhousie. New Postal Agency at Soche.Kafue National Park. Animals for Export - mainly for zoos. Mikolongwe Poultry ...
Some of the hospitals, child-welfare classes, schools, teacher-training colleges, etc., run by the Anglican churches and missions in the five dioceses of Central Africa (including Zanzibar). Also includes footage of a leper settlement; a ...
Current affairs programmme. Items: Empire foods; Colour bar; South African troubles; B.O.A.C. flowers.
Documentary. Tracing the road from French Equatorial Africa to Kenya.
Fort Lhani(?) French Equatorial Africa to British East Africa by road. The Vanana(?) tribe `beehive' buildings, central granary building, people fishing, a tomb. ...
Visit of Queen Mother to Rhodesia 4th - 15th July l957.
Report on the Kariba Dam scheme, and the effects of the record floods.
Stresses the growth in all areas of Rhodesia's natural resources, especially mineral production, increasing white population and consumer consumption (e.g: shoe store), and a great emphasis on the development at Kariba.
Rhodesian African Rifles return from Malaya via Beira.
K.A.R. move to Lusaka.
Governor General visits African townships.
Rabies control in Nyasaland with vaccinations.
Cheap ...
The life of Singapore and variety provided by the many different cultures and cu stoms which find expression there.
Governor opens new bridge, assembly of Mashonaland chiefs, training game guards, new village water supplies in Nyasaland, weight lifting in Bulawayo, Governor General on tour, cycle racing at ...
DOCUMENTARY: Independence Day celebrations in Ghana, including ceremonies and pageants and the opening of the Ghana Parliament by the Duchess of Kent. The commentary makes a strong plea for racial tolerance, as well as mentioning the possibility ...
Sponsored film showing building and civil engineering schemes in southern Africa.
The film begins in Lusaka, then Rhodesia, and travels through the country and Nyasaland (now Malawi) showing road construction in bush country, bridge ...
Short account of the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to the Gambia as part of his four-month world tour, 1956-1957.
Gambia, "one of Britain's oldest connections in Africa, and certainly one of the happiest", prepares to ...
A justification of the Anglo-French 'intervention' in Suez.
Introduction sketches background: Britain's "thankless and difficult" task in Palestine mandate; 1948 Arab-Israeli war and armistice. The advent of Nasser ...
Film of the signing of the Anglo-Malayan Mutual Defence Treaty on October 12, 1957.
The various participants arrive and assemble; the treaty (a defence agreement between Britain and Malaya) is signed. Close-up of ...
"Welcome to the NATO fleet."
Robert Mackenzie talks about the NATO meeting (1957?). "The word interdependence is important - it has a new emphasis. It is built of a Soviet initiative. NATO brings together ...
Independence Day celebrations in Malaya, 31 August 1957.
Over shots of government buildings, the British voiceover introduces the film; ‘The eve of Independence, we decorate our towns and await our great moment ...
Film showing every stage of the production of darkfired tobacco at Kasiya (40 miles from Lilongwe) in Nyasaland, from the issue of seed to the despatch of baled leaf to the Limbe Auction floors.
Production / Donor Details: ...
Eastern Region of Ghana showing large colourful grand festivals with processions of chiefs in Durbar. Asafo military organisation showing their uniform and flags and banners at their Asafo Tufiam or annual festival.
Moko ...
Subjects include crossing the Volta River by cable ferry; Ya Na Abdulai III, King of Dagbon, at Savelugu during independence celebrations, March 1957; Dagomba (Dagbamba) ritual drumming at Savelugu; roof thatchers at work near ...
Various scenes of the Queen Mother's visit to Nairobi, including a Guard of Honour, her car arriving and the crowds waiting to greet her. It includes some interesting film of a troupe of local men dancing and playing drums as part of ...
Military action in Malaya in the early and middle 1950s. This shows helicopters of the Royal Navy (S.55s) combining with British and other troops in the jungle campaign against the insurgents in the Malay Emergency. Troops and ...
Scenes in Malaya 1957
Production / Donor Details: This film was shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this ...
Resettlement of villages in Gwembe (Zambezi) Valley before completion of the Kariba Dam and flooding of the area.
Production / Donor Details: Mr Bryan was an Education Officer in Northern Rhodesia from 1953 - 1961. ...
Holiday in Northern Rhodesia with tourist shots. District officer on Safari around Lake Tanganyika. Lake traffic. Boats. Afrian local Ferries. Lake steam freighter. Shoreside villages with life and scenery.
Production / ...
Merdeka in Malaysia
Production / Donor Details: Films shot by Major William Lawrence in the 1950s and 1960s in Malaya, Australia, the U.K. and during his overland journey through Asia, India and Europe. During this time he was ...
Describes the various clans and peoples of the area and gives glimpses of the Annual Show, the Races, Christian Church life, a governor's visit, a visit of Gerald Durrell (the Naturalist), and the elections of 1957.
Royal Visit by Duke of Edinburgh to Conference of Chiefs in Rural setting. Formal speech by the Duke. Visit to Agricultural Show by the Duke. Extended sequence of Agricultural show held at the site of "Jendi Rice" experimental farm ...
Problems faced in bringing law and order, health services and schools, etc., to the isolated communities on the mainland of New Guinea and the Islands of the Bismarck Archipeligo.
Story of a doctor working in the Far East who becomes embroiled in sinister clashes between a ruthless planter, unscrupulous Government leaders and fanatical rebels.
Political broadcast. Part of a regular press conference given for London correspondents of foreign papers. The questions are answered by Herbert Bowden, James Griffiths and Hugh Gaitskell.
Topics covered include, ...
PROPAGANDA. An account of the Suez crisis and the strategic position of British military bases in Cyprus, seen from an extreme right-wing viewpoint. The film is introduced by Canadian reporter Stanley Maxted (39). On a map of the Meditteranean, he ...
Survey of present-day Hong Kong with particular emphasis on the appalling slum conditions.
Family scenes in UK and East Africa. Fishing. Children playing in garden. Last seqeunce shows a staged traditional African dance. 1956/7
Film about the Westland Whirlwind helicopter in service in Malaya.
Amateur film shot by Navy cameraman based on town-class cruiser HMS Birmingham. Includes unedited scenes of life on board HMS Birmingham and naval crew relaxing in various locations including the island of Malta, Inverness in Scotland, the French ...
Army Recruiting film in which a man who has served in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC) writes to a friend who has decided to join, explaining the many benefits and opportunities offered by the RAOC. Basic training at the Corps' Blackdown depot is ...
Report shows why the inhabitants of Gibraltar and Britain's defence staff wish the colony to remain British.
Mayor of Gibraltar traces the racial history of the Rock's inhabitants and concludes that they are ...
General picture of the country showing its economic, political and social progress.
A summary of the activities of the United Africa Company, part of the sponsor's group. Import of raw material from Africa to Britain and export of manufactured goods to Africa. The design and production in Manchester of patterned cloth for ...