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    Messages home from British Army and Navy personnel in India to their loved ones in the Liverpool and St Helens area. Canteen scenes.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in the Worcester area. Canteen Scenes.


    Messages home from British Army and Navy personnel (including WRNS) in India to their loved ones in the Oldham area. Canteen scenes.


    Roy Francis is one of the servicemen appearing. He is referred to only as 'Roy'.


    British servicemen in India, relaxing in a studio set bar with a piano accompanist, speak directly to camera to send brief messages of reassurance and endearment home to their relatives and friends in Warrington, Lancashire. All then sing the Vera ...


    Messages home from British Army and Navy personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area. Canteen scenes.


    Messages home from British Army and RAF personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area. Canteen scenes.


    Messages home from British Army and RAF personnel in India to their loved ones in the Brighton area. Canteen scenes.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in the Manchester area. Canteen scenes.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in Brighton.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in Brighton, Haywards Heath, Newhaven and Hastings (Sussex).


    Messages home from British servicemen (RAF, RN) in Polonnaruwa, Ceylon to their loved ones in Dundee, Scotland. External scenes.


    Messages home from British Army personnel in India to their loved ones in the Brighton and Hastings areas. Canteen scenes