Leslie Howard explains to three Dominion soldiers why the Empire is at war.
The soldiers - from Australia, Canada and New Zealand - meet in Trafalgar Square, where a gushing lady commends them for "answering the ...
Leslie Howard explains to three Dominion soldiers why the Empire is at war.
The soldiers - from Australia, Canada and New Zealand - meet in Trafalgar Square, where a gushing lady commends them for "answering the ...
A survey of the equipment and training of the British Empire's armies, emphasising both the novelties of modern war (movement, mechanisation, mass numbers) and the traditional importance of the fighting man behind the ...
A view of the Empire's Navies, in peace and war, designed to emphasise their size and power, worldwide distribution, and fighting character (in explicit contrast to Axis navies).
An interesting attempt is made to ...
A survey of the equipment and brief but already glorious history of the RAF, including the contributions of the Air Forces of the Empire.
WW1 and inter-war film shows glimpses of Sopwith Camels, SE5s, Bristols, the ...
A compilation of film of factory production of war material in Britain and throughout the Empire.
A minimal degree of continuity is provided by film of King George VI visiting various factories; also much use is made ...
Kenya's first two years of war.
Opens with establishing shots - Mount Kenya, wild-life, black schoolchildren, white settlers; maps and headlines tell of Italian invasion of Abyssinia, outbreak of war. Men ...
The story of the liberation of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia) after its invasion by Mussolini's Italian forces. Covers events from the formation of the Patriot Army which helped the British Army to drive out the Italians, ...
A brief look at an Indian Army Regiment (15th Punjab).
Material includes reveill; arms drill; bayonet practice; signals training (morse by flag, heliograph, shutter etc.); medical care; post office; pay; ...
A tribute to the Indian troops who had fought in the Libyan campaign.
Over film of Indian troops marching near Pyramids, commentator speaks of Indians serving in many areas overseas but especially in Libya: this ...
The work and training of the (Royal Bombay) Sappers and Miners; film stresses the military importance of their work as the "lifeline of the army" and the value to the men of their acquired skills once the war is over ...
A survey of the involvement of India's Home Front in the war effort.
An opening sequence of blackout, ARP practice and maps showing India's far-flung strategic frontiers (Egypt to Singapore) suggests the sort of ...
German feature film, anti-British propaganda about Britain's participation in the Boer War, portraying Cecil Rhodes, Joseph Chamberlain and Dr Jameson as prominent British villains. Kruger is shown having an audience with a whisky-swilling Queen ...
Amateur film shot at request of Mrs Daphne Goldney, wife of Lieutenant-Colonel James Goldney of 2nd/4th Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army, by local Indian photographic company records voluntary work done by British wives in ...
I. "Conference on Freedom." At the second Inter-Allied meeting held at St James Palace, chairman Eden introduces Maisky representing the new ally, the USSR. The Russian ambassador speaks.
II. "Liverpool holds tank week parade." Covenanters and ...
I. "Britain and Soviet meet in Iran." Indian troops having entered Iran north of Baghdad pass through Kermanshah before meeting Soviet troops near Kazvin. Russian officer fires Very light now that Allied front stretches from Arctic to Libya. All is ...
Laurence Olivier reads extracts from patriotic and inspirational prose and poetry against an illustrative montage of film.
Camden's "Britannia" (title page) against views of British countryside - Milton's " ...