INTEREST. The extraction of asphalt from Pitch Lake in Trinidad, its transportation and export.
INTEREST. The extraction of asphalt from Pitch Lake in Trinidad, its transportation and export.
The importance of the life-giving waters of the Nile to Sudan and Egypt with property depending on the success of the scheme.
In 1952 General Film Distributors released the Gaumont-British Instructional production, Focus on ...
Mining bauxite in British Guiana, the Saguenay Hydro-electic scheme and the aluminium smelting plant in Northern Quebec.
The mining of bauxite in British Guiana, the bauxite being transported to the Demerara river and ...
Four stories set in Nigeria with the frustration of endeavour as their theme. One deals with the problem of hygiene, one with superstition, one with land conservation and one with education in Nigerian schools. What is being done to ...
Survey on resources of Northern and Southern Rhodesia, natural and human. Scenes in Lusaka and Salisbury. Southern Rhodesian delegation arrives in London for conference on future of the Rhodesia.
Propaganda film encouraging Malayans to inform on Communist Terrorists (CTs) in return for cash rewards.
Narration over dramatic incident. Malayan home guard parade is addressed by the regional governor who honours ...
Housing and street scenes, estuary harbour life (probably Lagos) also showing some Western shipping but mostly African craft and fishermen.
Production / Donor Details: Films taken by John Birch. In the 1950s the John and Daphne ...
A shiftless man is befriended by a trader, but betrays him out of desire for a chieftan's daughter by showing a secret channel to a rival Arab. His treachery leads him to be abandoned by everyone.
INTEREST. Singpore.
Depicts work of the London Missionary Society at Kawimbe, Central Africa. Part one looks at the work of St. Anthony's Hospital, Kawimbe, and the Central Africa Leper Colony. Part two looks at a District Committee meeting held at Kawimbe. Features Mr. ...
Shot aboard the aircraft carrier H.M.S. "Ocean" and ashore in Malta. Shows aspects of life aboard, including a crash, and follows members of crew ashore.
Visit to Brunei on the north coast of Borneo with its large oilfield. Tourist attractions.
Advertising film for Sunlight household soap.
Arrival at Singapore, freedom of the city, visits to naval and military bases, schools and university; Kuala Lumpur - parade of voluntary workers, Mallaca hospital visit, Kinrara military hospital.
I. Entry of Mediterranean and Home Fleet ships into Grand Harbour, Malta (15th March 1952).
I. Long distance shot of fleet approaching Malta. HMS Superb (wearing flag of FO Flotillas "Home" ...
MS off the starboard quarter of HMS Ocean in Grand Harbour - crew man the side as the ship departs. Carrier passes the mole where the camera is situated - Sea Furies and Fireflies parked on deck - sea calm - crew give ...
Part 1. Sir John and Lady Edelsten arrive at Customs House. Inspection of combined Army and RAF guard of honour. Arrival at Customs House of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Creasy; the C-in-C and Lady Edelsten make their ...
HMS Kenya arrives in Mombasa, 23rd October, 1952.
Desmond O'Hagan (Provincial Commissioner for the Coast Province and Chairman of the Emergency Defence Committee) arrives, and departs after ...
HMS Kenya in Mombasa, November 1942.
Races in a pulling regatta in Mombasa Harbour (7th to 10th November, 1952). Remembrance Day Parade, 9th November; units taking part include Royal Navy, ...
Part 1: HRH The Duke of Edinburgh arrives at Malta, (26 November). Aircraft arrive and taxi to dispersal. Royal Salute, inspection of Guard, meeting VIPs. Duke departs in car.
Part 2: Duke of Edinburgh visits HMS Magpie ...
Film depicting the working up of HMS Ocean on passage to Korea, and air operations onboard HMS Glory.
Introductory sequence draws attention to the post-war RN programme for the ...
I. MS as HMS Ocean passes right to left, steaming through the breakwater to leave Grand Harbour - the crew line the side for leaving port and Fireflies and Sea Furies are ranged aft. A Westland Dragonfly hovers over ...
Trials carried out in Malta illustrating the use of a NL Pontoon to bridge a water gap between LST ramp and the shore when loading and unloading a Centurion tank.
Pontoon approaches HMS ...
Underwater footage of Lord Mountbatten skin-diving and spear fishing in Malta.
Dramatised advertising film for Lux toilet soap intended for African audiences.
The film opens with an African man sitting and playing guitar while two African women sit at his feet and sing in turn. The African man is next shown in his car ...
Ceremonies surrounding the installation of the Queen Mother of Enyeresi.
Scenes in heavily guarded courtroom as Jomo Kenyatta and five other Mau Mau leaders were tried and sentenced.
Dramatisation of the Bakiga people's attempt to cultivate the Kigezi district of Uganda, and their encounter with the Pygmies.
The camera zooms in on a map to an area marked Kigezi. As crowds gather, 'the soldier' reads an article ...
INTEREST. Film shows how the discovery of oil has affected life in Kuwait. Opening shots of a desert sandstorm. Arabs take refuge in their tents. After the storm, a traveller mounts his camel and continues his journey. The centre of ...
INTEREST: Deals with the work of the Lagos Executive Development Board which was formed in 1946 to plan and develop Lagos. The main problems being reclamation of swamp areas provision of residential areas and slum clearance.
"Rl.1." ...
Europeasn are armed in Nairobi, now a "special area"; increased precautions against the Mau Mau.
Story of a police officer in Sierra Leone who has a love affair with a girl during his wife's absence and contemplates suicide.
The Heart of the Matter, based upon Graham Greene’s prize- ...
"Smithers" is sent to Gwelo to investigate business oportunities - then follows an advertising film for Gwelo, tracing its history and facilities.
Native is instructed on irrigation by local Agricultural Assistant.
Annual ceremony of dancing to mark male and female circumcision ceremonies of the Bugusi-Sebei tribe in Uganda. The ceremonies lasted about three days. Footage includes the circumcision, dancing tribes in elaborate costumes, face painting ...
The correct method of harvesting, fermenting and grading of cocoa.
A story told by a member of the B.S.A.P. Ayoung man leaves UK and joins B.S.A.P., the training routine is shown, passing out parade, posted to Eastern district and seen on patrol. A public relations film produced in association with B.S.A.P. ...
RL.1 Opening shot of a map of Europe and Africa with a route plotted from London to the Gold Coast. Takoradi, one of the Gold Coast's larger towns is shown. Shots of the streets, the shopping centre, ...
This film describes how new life was brought to the immense desert of the Sudan by harnessing the waters of the River Nile, and creating such fertile country as that of the Gezira Cotton Scheme.
The opening sequences give a vivid ...
Life in Malaya during the Emergency.
Jungle scenes during the Communist uprising. A rubber planter and his lifestyle in the Emergency. Tapping rubber and guarding against guerrilla attacks. Driving into Kuala Lumpur by ...
AMATEUR/INTEREST. Kenyan landscapes and wildlife.
Trees, green hills and lake, medium shot of elephants, herd of elephants on plain with car in middle, gazelle, birds, medium shot of giraffe, gazelle, zebra, medium shot of rhino by ...
Visit by Lady Limerick to BRC, , Penang, Malaya 1953.
Shot of Union flag; outside gathering: chairs lined up/women in RC uniforms sitting on chairs. Man (middle aged, glasses, balding) give speech on platform. Lady Limerick with ...
Tobago, in the Br. West Indies and native occupations and pastimes.
INTEREST. Celebrations in Dar Es-Salaam to mark the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
Story of half-caste's officer's devotion to duty, his love for General's daughter. Filmed in Cinemascope. Based on novel by Talbot Mundy.
Story of how an American adventurer foils a Red plot to blow up Hong Kong.
The desposed PM of British Guiana protests against susp[ension of the colony's constitution.
The visit of Winston Churchill to Jamaica in January 1953.
The film opens with the arrival of Winston Churchill at Montego Bay airport on Friday 9 January 1953 on board the 'Independence', the personal plane of the President of the ...