Scenes - mostly in Moroto - of living in Karamoja, Uganda.
Includes: building Morotochurch; a 'barazza' (meeting with tribesmen) in Rupa, a settlement at the foot of mount Moroto; the bi-weekly Moroto bus (the only public ...
Scenes - mostly in Moroto - of living in Karamoja, Uganda.
Includes: building Morotochurch; a 'barazza' (meeting with tribesmen) in Rupa, a settlement at the foot of mount Moroto; the bi-weekly Moroto bus (the only public ...
A record of life in the District HQ of Karamoja Distrcit, Uganda, 1958 - 60. Edited. Personal film, but also show this remote station, the housing, office and dukas (shops), activities like refuse collection and the station farm, ...
Various scenes in the Bahamas, possibly including surveying? Swimming leisure; Car racing. Carnival.
Scenes in the Bahamas. Surveying. Visit of Duke of Edinburgh. Leisure, swimming, snorkeling.
3 x Edited films. 'Local leave': record of holiday journey through East Africa. Map shows journey: from Uganda through Kenya, and back to Uganda via Tanganyika. Train Journey - Kampala - Nairobi - Mombasa. Fort Jesus. Zanzibar: ...
Home life: many shots of flowers in bloom. Home helps, gardener, dogs, tortoise, more flowers.
Production / Donor Details: Ellis and Greta Williams worked for the Government in Uganda from 1949 to independence; Mr. Williams ...
Intertitles. Various scenes in Jinja. Hydroelectric dam. Kampala. Parade of troops on sports ground, in honour of Queen's birthday. City scenes, busy traffic. Western extension rail route inaugural train and passenger train. Kaazi ...
Deals with developments in Qatar, an ancient sheikhdom in the Persian Gulf which is largely desert. Shows how Doha, the capital city is being largely rebuilt.
Uses material from Traditional Samoa Films Nos. 1-4 and 9-13.
Intended as the first of a BBC series called "Travellers' Tales" prepared by the staff of David Attenborough but not transmitted. Designed to have a commentary which the NFA does not ...
Sir Robert Menzies reviews his diplomatic tour of 1959.
Deals with the mission of an engineer who has to build a railway in the African jungles aftet two of his colleagues have gone missing.
Backed by Columbia since 1953, Irving Allen and Albert (Cubby) Broccoli’s Warwick Film Productions ...
A travelogue taking the form of a car journey through the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
A car with luggage on its roof passes a sign saying 'Welcome to Bulawayo' as the voiceover emphasises the development of the city 'in the seventy ...