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    Shorter version with different shots, mules and muleteer. Putting harness on mules, loading up. Briefing gurkhas. Mule train. Crossing bridge in mist. On board raft going down river. Rapids. Panning shots of ...


    Messages home from British Naval and Army personnel stationed in India to their loved ones in the Leicester area. Filmed in a makeshift canteen, the group take it in turn to present a personal message to their family and friends in England. Some ...

    United States of America

    In the north east of India, a group of visitors from Bhutan. Tiger hunt. Temple in Hyderabad.


    I. 'TROOPS VISIT KING FAROUK'S MODEL FARM.' A contingent of British and Commonwealth troops, including members of various women's services, visit King Farouk's model farm situated between Cairo and Ismailia. The visiting party is shown at the ...


    I. 'GUNNERS OF HINDUSTAN.' An item that covers the equipment and training of Indian Army artillery units. A large antique cannon is displayed on a plinth on a street in Lahore (Punjab) as civilians go about their daily business. Antique flintlock ...


    I. 'NEWS FROM ENGLAND.' An outline of the new modern curriculum that has been introduced at a mixed-sex school in Ashford, Kent. The new syllabus and teaching methods, with its emphasis on the practical, is held by the commentary to be a fine example ...


    I. 'INDIA.' Allied Supreme Commander in South East Asia Lord Louis Mountbatten waits at an unidentified Indian airfield for the arrival of Generalissimo and Mrs Chiang Kai-shek. A C-54 Douglas Skymaster transport aircraft of the United States (US) ...


    I. 'TRANS-JORDAN FRONTIER FORCE.' An Item relating to the expansion of the Arab Legion to Brigade strength, covering the various military and policing duties of the unit in the Transjordan. Arab Legion members hone their semaphore skills under the ...


    I. 'AVIATION NEWS.' An item highlighting new developments in the aviation industry. In the United States, A man leaves a detached house carrying golf clubs and climbs into a single-seat Piasecki P-V2 helicopter, the newest product of PV Engineering ...


    I. 'AUSTRALIA.' An item highlighting the work of Australian factories in their support of the war effort. A male factory worker uses a circular grinding wheel to manufacture optical lenses at an optical factory making rangefinders for anti-aircraft ...


    I. 'INDIA.' On his first official tour, Viceroy Wavell visits a flying training school of the Chinese Air Force situated in the Punjab. Wavell inspects a guard of honour drawn from Chinese officer cadets, primary training aircraft stand chocked in ...