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    I. 'ITALY.' The Allied advance on Florence (Tuscany). British Eighth Army M3A1 White scout cars and Daimler scout cars raise dust as they move in convoy along an Italian country road. British Jeeps and Staghound Mk I (Chevrolet M6) armoured cars move ...


    I. 'INDIA'S YOUNGEST V.C.' General Claude Auchinleck presents the Victoria Cross (V.C.) to Sepoy Kamal Ram of the 8th Punjab Regiment at Lahore. Kamal Ram, the youngest recipient of the V.C., is carried shoulder high by his regimental comrades. Kamal ...


    I. 'ROCKET-FIRING PROJECTILES.' Footage taken in the interior of a British armaments factory highlights the various production steps in the manufacture of 60-lb 3-inch rocket projectiles (RP) for aircraft. Female factory workers fill RP casings with ...


    I. 'THE KING IN HOLLAND.' King George VI chats to Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery (Commander 21st Army Group) and Air Marshal Sir Harry Broadhurst (Commander 38 Group, RAF) on his arrival in Holland. The King inspects units of a British Armoured ...


    I. 'WESTERN FRONT.' A Royal Navy (RN) rocket-firing landing craft (LCT-R) fires ripple-salvos at German positions on Walcheren Island in support of the Anglo-Canadian operation to clear the islands of enemy troops and open up the Scheldt Estuary to ...


    I. 'BURMA.' British Fourteenth Army infantry patrol the jungle on the Arakan Front armed with Lee-Enfield Mk III .303-inch rifles. Indian troops lead a mule train over very rough ground. Heavy rainfall lashes a British tented encampment as troops ...


    I. 'FRAGMENTS FROM ITALY.' This item duplicates Item II of WPN 139.

    II. 'NEW GUINEA- AN EPIC OF JUNGLE WARFARE.' This item duplicates Item III of WPN 139.

    III. 'CHIANG KAI-SHEK HOST TO ALLIED LEADERS IN ASIA.' Lord Louis Mountbatten chats ...


    I. 'GUNNERS OF HINDUSTAN.' This item duplicates Item I of WPN 141.

    II. 'RUSSIA.' This item duplicates Item IV of WPN 141.

    III. 'GLIDER TROOPS PREPARE FOR AIRBORNE INVASION.' Panoramic footage shows Waco CG-4A troop carrying gliders parked ...


    I. 'ITALY- BOMBERS OVER THE SANGRO.' This item duplicates Item III of WPN 140.

    II. 'LIVING OFF THE LAND.' This item duplicates Item IV of WPN 140.

    III. 'SHEEP HERD MOVE TO NEW PASTURES IN US FAR WEST.' Large numbers of sheep are moved ...


    I. 'THE CAPTURE OF TARAWA. On screen titling reads "Dramatic films of the bloodiest battle of the Pacific in which US Marines win vital Jap base in 76 hours!". Panoramic footage shows Allied merchant shipping at sea. A map shows the location of ...


    I. 'WAR NEWS.' This item duplicates Item II of WPN 143.

    II. 'US TESTS NEW TORPEDO BOATS FOR THE BRITISH NAVY.' Three United States (US) built motor torpedo boats (MTBs) are put through their paces by Royal Navy crews (MTBs have no pennant ...

    British In India Museum Collection

    Presentation of a Victoria Cross to Ghurkha Corporal Naik Agamsing Rai by Lord Wavell, after heroic action in Burma, June 1944.