Views in Uttar Pradesh including Roorkee and Hardwar: rivers, countryside, buildings and town scenes. Also houses, bungalows and gardens built for the British.
Production / Donor Details: This collection was shot by Brigadier Cecil ...
Views in Uttar Pradesh including Roorkee and Hardwar: rivers, countryside, buildings and town scenes. Also houses, bungalows and gardens built for the British.
Production / Donor Details: This collection was shot by Brigadier Cecil ...
Sea voyage from Bombay(?) in the P&O liner Stratheden: embarkation and safety drills; off-loading and oiling at Aden(?); passage along the Suez canal; busy scenes at Port Said including good scenes of the 'Bum boats', and arrival in ...
Scenes from Elisabeth Morrison's young childhood with her family in the family bungalow in Northern Nigeria.
Production / Donor Details: The films in the Morrison Collection were shot by William Graham Morrison, who went to ...
Family leave in Norfolk. Voyage to India. Stromboli. Port Suez. Quayside scenes. Indus bridge? (Large iron girders) near Peshawar. Scenery of Khyber Pass with road, railway, frontier posts and forts. Rocky mountains.
Display by ...
Port Said harbour and its waterfront. Shipping ready to enter Suez Canal.
European Weddings in India. Bridal procession. Outdoor reception. Foxhunt gathers for the start of the hunt. The lakes of Kashmir. The craft on the water. ...
Colonial bungalow. Garden and servants. Marching brass military band. Tennis match at bungalow. Street scenes. Rural life & husbandry. Oil drilling field. Heavy snow fall in Pakistani Hill town. Polo match.
Production / Donor ...
Tourist trip around sites of Delhi. Rural life. Imperial Airways aircraft on ground . Working then housed in hangar. Train journey to Bombay where Ocean liner is boarded with views of docks and city sea front. Aden sea front. Tea party ...
Karakhoram hillstation. Muree. Scenery of Himalayan foothills with their Pine forests and hill roads. Domestic life. Bungalow. Garden. Flowers. Baby playing. Ayahs and outdoor servants. Ayahs take babies in prams for walk. Oil fields ...
Four reels on VHS: reel 1. Packing up car for journey to Sirenugar(sic)...the poplar tree approach...Indians sawing up logs...picnic...Views of Gulmerg. Reel
2: Views of Srenugar(sic)...Guest House No.3...Indian Village... ...
India late 1930s or early 1940s, urban street life and European and Indian seaside beach life, including a short sequence of Gandhi walking with a small group of followers towards the shore.
Ship passage to India. Arrival. Train journey inland. Army manoeuvres with camel troops, parade sequence. Aftermath of big train wreck and the subsequent recovery operations. Formal opening of railway line by Maharaja, inspection of ...
Travel shots of journey through Bengal(?) province showing river scapes /river traffic. Europeans taking part in a fun sports open air event in front of Indian soldiers. Detailed views of the new city of New Delhi and contrasts with ...