The making of taufolo from bread-fruit. Women make thatch panels from sugar cane leaf. Making of cord from strands from a coconut husk. Old men plait the cord. Cooking of cuttlefish (or small octopus) in its own ink. Thatched panels are ...
The making of taufolo from bread-fruit. Women make thatch panels from sugar cane leaf. Making of cord from strands from a coconut husk. Old men plait the cord. Cooking of cuttlefish (or small octopus) in its own ink. Thatched panels are ...
Uses material from Traditional Samoa Films Nos. 1-4 and 9-13.
Intended as the first of a BBC series called "Travellers' Tales" prepared by the staff of David Attenborough but not transmitted. Designed to have a commentary which the NFA does not ...
Story illustrating the dangers of using the same source of water for bathing, washing and as a toilet. Story centres on a family who use a local pool and subsequently suffer from bilharzia. They are treated and the father sinks a well.
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Prince Henry and Princess Alice, on a tour of Eastern Nigeria, the Southern Cameroons and Lagos as the Federation of Nigeria approaches full independence and entry into the Commonwealth, starting 12 May 1959. ...
A travelogue of the island of Bermuda in a car.
Dramatised Army film in which a young Army nurse arrives in Singapore for her first posting at the British Military Hospital. She is shown her accommodation, meets the matron and ward sister and sees something of Singapore with other newly arrived ...
3 x Edited films. 'Local leave': record of holiday journey through East Africa. Map shows journey: from Uganda through Kenya, and back to Uganda via Tanganyika. Train Journey - Kampala - Nairobi - Mombasa. Fort Jesus. Zanzibar: ...
Home life: many shots of flowers in bloom. Home helps, gardener, dogs, tortoise, more flowers.
Production / Donor Details: Ellis and Greta Williams worked for the Government in Uganda from 1949 to independence; Mr. Williams ...
Intertitles. Various scenes in Jinja. Hydroelectric dam. Kampala. Parade of troops on sports ground, in honour of Queen's birthday. City scenes, busy traffic. Western extension rail route inaugural train and passenger train. Kaazi ...
Documentary featuring the Kariba Dam, Victoria Falls and Wankie game reserve.
Zanzibar: city scenes, clove growing, coconut growing, etc.
Coast. City streets, passers-by, merchants. Metalworkers, basket-makers, food sellers, drinking tea and coffee. (?)Government buildings. Doorways with ornate Islamic ...
A general recruiting film for the services which "will all be regulars by the end of 1962".
Opening scenes from Cyprus, Jordan, Aden and Malaya suggest the Forces' work ("wherever armed force threatens the peace of ...