A fictional drama from the Zulu Wars.
A British sentry guards a British camp. A Zulu crouches on all fours and approaches the sentry, who spots him and shoots. The Zulu dramatically falls to the floor. The sentry kicks him to see if ...
A fictional drama from the Zulu Wars.
A British sentry guards a British camp. A Zulu crouches on all fours and approaches the sentry, who spots him and shoots. The Zulu dramatically falls to the floor. The sentry kicks him to see if ...
INTEREST. An Indian baby is held in various positions on the knees of an Indian woman, while another pours several jugfuls of water over it. A man wearing a turban sits watching (92ft)
A street busy with pedestrians and animal-drawn carts is filmed from a static camera position. Many of the Indian men are naked to the waist, some carry loads, several men and women carry umbrellas against the sun. No Europeans are visible. To the left ...
INTEREST. Scenes of life and customs in Calcutta and Bombay.
A busy street in Calcutta filmed from the top of a moving ?tram, with horse traffic, pedestrians; another tram is visible some distance in front (39) Pan of the Eden Gardens and ...