The method of harvesting cocoa in the Cold Coast. The cultural background of the people and cutting of the cocoa pods to the export of the beans are shown.
The method of harvesting cocoa in the Cold Coast. The cultural background of the people and cutting of the cocoa pods to the export of the beans are shown.
INTEREST. Bead-making and leather-working in West Africa.
The development of the Falkland Islands dependencies under British administration; the lives of the men stationed there.
Although British claims to parts of the Antarctic can arguably be traced as far back as Anthony de la Roch& ...
Good practice in animal husbandry illustrated through the daily life of a Kenyan cattle farmer. He milks cows, delivers milk to the dairy, looks after cattle, castrates bulls. The Veterinary Service helps to improve his livestock.
RL.1 Opening shots of an arch in Colombo and Ceylonese people. After the achievement of full independence, the opening of the new Parliament by the Duke of Gloucester is shown. A brief historical resume of ...
Tribal dancing in Africa; witch doctors.
INSTRUCTIONAL. Aspects of life in Burma.
A riverside community populated by true Burmese, children playing in the water, women washing clothes (21). Shots of river craft (38). A village in Upper Burma, a group of villagers (42). ...
Jungle Jim and Dr. Parker arrange a safari to get a valuable drug to cure polio. The trip is sabotaged by a vagrant posing as a god, but all ends well.
The beginnings of oil exploration in Kuwait. The opening of the first pipeline. General scenes in Kuwait.
Credits (38). Map shows the position of Kuwait (70). CU His Highness Sir Ahmad al-jabir as-Subhah (85). HAS city of Kuwait (103 ...
1. Coastal Trader: Indian seamen in their primitive vessels. 2. Doggett's Coat and Badge: the annual race in London for Doggett's coat and Badge, and £20, the race is rowed in light skiffs from London Bridge to Chelsea, by ...
At Udi in Nigeria.
Work goes on in a village. The chief takes other village chiefs on a tour of inspection eg, the dispensary, a concrete water tank with tap, men clearing and levelling the ground, the arrival of the district officer ...
Home movie taken by England opening bat, Jack Robertson on the MCC tour of the West Indies in 1948. Shows some cricket and some `off duty' action.
Story of two workers, Ramdas and Mangri, in an Indian tea garden and description of Indian village life in Assam.
Bullock carts arrive at the market of Lakhmijian ('Garden of the River Goddess') near the Assam River where Naga ...
Problem of the Italian Colonies, Libya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia; how they were acquired by Italy; their position in the war and their future. This Modern Age series. no. 20.
Motorcycle sports newsreel.
i) Sunbeam Point-To-Point A Scramble At Longmoor, Hants. Scenes from the annual motorcycle scramble at Longmoor Heath in Hampshire in 1948. Describes the course layout and the aims of scramble courses. ...
Account of the delights of fishing for tuna and other large fish.
Entertainment film for children's cinema clubs.
The story of Lawani, a Nigerian cocoa farmer and member of a Co-operative Primary Society, who with his son and hired labourer, successfully harvests and sells his cocoa beans.
The commentator introduces Lawani, a Nigerian cocoa ...
Produced to encourage farmers to take the advice of Government Agricultural Officers, the film compares two black farmers. One is keen to improve and listens to the advice of the agricultural officer, while the other is lazy and ignores all ...
Illustrates the life and training of an African Nurse. Girls apply to the Methodist Hospital at Ituk Mbam to train as nurses, they take examinations, and after 7 years of training she goes to take charge of a four-bed maternity home ...
Life in the Chaga village of Marangu in Tanganika, near Mt. Kilimanjaro.
The film shows the role of the chief in stimulating economic and social progress and how European and African institutions operate side by side. It then shows ...
A doctor tells a personal story about an encounter with the disease bilharzia and shows how it can be prevented.
A white doctor's sister and her two daughters have recently arrived from England. The daughters discover a dry fish pond and ...