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    Report on how British forces are countering Dr Sukarno's efforts to undermine the new Federation of Malaysia.

    Indonesia has failed to disrupt the Malaysian economy (interview with Singapore Finance Minister who says ...


    Report marking the end of British rule in Malta uses a survey of the island's history and interviews with Maltese leaders to suggest the course of future developments and to explain why the Labour Party boycotted the ...


    Unedited colour film of Royal Marine Commandos in four jeeps and two trucks on patrol in a rocky arid district surrounded by mountains.

    Two Marines sit perched on a cliff while the camera pans towards the mountains ...


    Film showing move of 4th Royal Tank Regiment from Edinburgh to Aden. Showing parade of the Regiment at Redford Cavalry Barracks, Edinburgh, departure from Turnhouse airport, and scenes of the Regiment's activities as Middle East Armoured Car Regiment ...

    Great Britain

    Shows the long-term side of Oxfams's work through the example of Basutoland, whe re Oxfam is financing farmer training and other agricultural improvement project s Problem of soil erosion and farmers ignorance. How modern ideas and ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Bob's Your Uncle - Mark 2 - signwriter and his one man band have a new caravan! Iron Age Relics - Zewa village. Snake Man - first black snake handler. Thicker Than Water - appeal for blood donors. What ...

    FEDERAL SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Reflecting Current Events - production process of the "MufuliraMirror". Champions of the Plough - ploughing competition, Lord Dalhousie attends. "Willingly To School" - primary school in Arcadia run by German ...

    Central African Federation

    Report on the secession of Nyasaland from the Central African Federation, with a particular look at its economic potential.

    German Federal Republic, Great Britain, South Africa

    Diamond smuggling in an African colony is foiled by the British commissioner.

    Spain, France, Italy

    Conflict of an English colonial and a prince of the Malayan Archipelago.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Any Old Iron - steel foundry, Kitwe.

    School of Archaeology.

    Country Holidays - pony trekking in the Vumba Mts. and Ponderosa holiday ranch.


    John Hooper weighs up - Central African Airways is only a link.Why isn't it an international airline? Sir Robert Taylor chairman of C.A.A. explains why not. Review of C.A.A. services.