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    Looks at the work of the Mzilikazi Arts and Crafts Centre in Bulawayo in training African artists, particularly in creating employment opportunities for school-leavers of the African townships. An art teacher, Alex Lambert, is shown teaching, ...

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    DOCUMENTARY. A report on the current state of Rhodesia concentrating particularly on the Land Tenure Act and its effects.

    Introduction: against the background of another attempt to start talks with Mr. Ian Smith, ...

    Great Britain


    Great Britain

    Comedy set in 1900 in Africa, an ornithologist gives a lantern lecture to the Royal Society, describing his African expedition in search of the rare Oozulum bird.

    Rhodesia Collection

    Compilation of newsreel footage for the period 1965 to 1970(?) covering the political negotiations between Ian Smith and the Government of Southern Rhodesia and the British Government; the Declaration of Unilateral Independence; and ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Traces Rhodesia's origins from pre-historic times to the present. 1970?

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from the ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    Film commisioned by the Anglo-Rhodesian Society. A good background to UDI. Contains an interview with Ian Smith.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a ...

    Rhodesia Collection

    A recruitment film for the Rhodesian Air Force based on an Air Force exercise.

    Production / Donor Details: The Rhodesia Collection was donated by the journal Rhodesians Worldwide and contains a number of films purchased from ...

    Selkirk Collection

    Airport with stationary Bahamas Airways air plane. Holiday yachting in Bahamas. Waterways. Moorings. Hotels at the waterside. Snorkelling at off shore reef.

    Dolphins performing at Aquarium. Airport with Tri-star airliner. ...


    Short film about the old gun emplacements in Gibraltar and their modern counterparts.

    Narrator tells story of Gibraltar having to defend its frontiers with guns; film of the old guns are followed by a reconstruction ...


    HONG KONG 1970


    Army recruiting advertisement.

    A VC10 of Transport Command comes in for a night landing at Hong Kong. Among the passengers is Les Henderson, an RA trooper attached to the Gurkhas - ...


    Army recruiting advertisement.

    A man shown working in a machine shop wants more from life and, following the example of a friend, joins the Army - cut to character as RE mechanic, HQ ...

    Mowat Collection

    This film shows a local boy catching fish with a traditional pointed stick. He does this by swimming in shallow water with goggles on and catching them one at a time and stringing them onto a loop on the side of his sarong.


    Mowat Collection

    This film shows children in a convent school playing various games and local people in a village cooking and eating food around a fire. The last frames are at the airport.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Mowat was a Christian ...

    Mowat Collection

    The film shows a village on one of the islands including scenes of the beach and general village and family life such as children playing, and villagers cleaning and preparing food.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Mowat was ...

    Mowat Collection

    Arrival and departure of the missionary vessel 'John William VII' to Beru. Includes the start of the journey from an unknown destination, shots of the sea voyage itself, the arrival, the European accommodation, the local village and ...

    Mowat Collection

    A visit to Abemana and various places of interest. The visit begins with a shot of the islands and their surrounding coastline from the air and ends the same way. It shows villages, local people and children, a beach, lagoon, a bridge, ...

    Mowat Collection

    This film shows teaching practice students working in St. Peter's school. It shows various activities during the day including their arrival at the school, children working in the classroom, performing traditional songs and dances, and ...

    Mowat Collection

    The film depicts the loading of a small craft in order to transport goods to the main vessel. It then switches to scenes on board with passengers swimming from the main deck and children reading and then proceeds to the boat weighing ...

    Mowat Collection

    The film starts off with a village 'western style' wedding, and pans to beach and reef. It then shows the use local people make of the sea and beach i.e. children playing, adults cooking by means of beach fires, catching fish and ...

    Mowat Collection

    Last day in the Islands: scenes of two picnics with Islanders and European family, preparing food, eating and dancing. It also shows scenes at the airport with students.

    Production / Donor Details: Mr Mowat was a Christian ...

    Mowat Collection

    Shots of a village and its occupants. Cuts to a plane landing on an air strip, taxying to a stand still, the island itself taken from the plane as it is flying and ends as the plane begins its descent at its destination point.


    Simpson Collection

    Footage of game and game reserves.


    ROYAL TOUR 1970