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    Great Britain

    ACTUALITY. Members of the 1st Battalion, 2nd K.E.O. Gurkhas on active service in Borneo.


    Series in which investigative reporter Roger Cook looks at different cases of unscrupulous businesses. First in a resumed series. In this episode Cook investigates the ivory trade from East Africa to carving in Dubai and markets in Hong Kong ...


    Argentinean documentary on the invasion of the Falkland Islands.

    Argentine military equipment being prepared for the Falkland Islands. Fleet sets sail ...


    I. Colour film of Royal Military Police in Aden, now Yemen, 1965 (ca).

    II. Gibraltar Military Police around town 1960 (ca).

    III. 101 Provost Marshal and 93 section Special Investigation Branch in Berlin ...


    An introduction to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, including footage of fauna, flora and the local way of life, and showing the work of London Missionary Society/ CCWM (Congregational Council for World Mission) missions in the islands. The film follows ...

    Great Britain

    A light comedy romance between a rich American diplomat and a Russian emigré princess from Hong Kong.


    The sugar industry in Rhodesia, including:- 1960 Bulawayo trade show, the sugar pavillion and the visit by the Queen Mother, the Chirundu sugar estates, the processes involved in making and refining sugar.

    Great Britain, USA

    A hunter kills a sacred lion and is cursed by a native chief. Unhealed he returns to Africa and kills the chief, and is healed.


    Carnival 1963


    Tom and Sukie arrive in Malta to spend the holidays with their father, an archaeologist digging for a legendary golden statue of Calypso on the island of Gozo. He fails to meet the children who make friends with Jiminy, a Maltese boy, ...

    Carroll Collection

    Includes various scenes of a family on safari in Tanzania (Tanganyika), showing the scenery that they drive through, the villages & people that they visit and meet and the kind of roads and bridges that they drive along. It has a few ...

    Cleave Collection

    About 400' of wildlife, mostly in Uganda National Parks, shot between 1958 and 1966. NOT edited into a coherent film.

    Production / Donor Details: John Cleave was ADC Karamoja District for 11 years.

    Cleave Collection

    A 275' edited record of the hand-over on Independence. Parade with the Governor handing over the PM Obote and some of the celebratory events that followed.

    March-past of the 4th Kings African Rifles.

    Multi-racial crowds at ...