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    A legend of an emperors' love for a young man which turned Hong Kong's legislature in favour of homosexuality.


    Documentary describing the history of the Royal Navy from the Falklands War in 1982 to the 1991 Gulf War (with particular emphasis in the Falklands campaign), covering the development of the Navy's ships and weaponry, ...


    Highlight's of Gibraltar visit by the band, from departure. Tape has an informal voiceover and live sound.


    This programme illustrates aspects of Service life in Gibraltar and is aimed at Service personnel and families who have been posted to, or are contemplating a posting to, Gibraltar. It is suitable for home and visiting ship viewing, and covers such ...


    Based on the novel by Peter Viertel describing his experiences with John Huston during the preparation for the shooting of the AFRICAN QUEEN, the story depicts the obsession of fictional movie director John Wilson (based on Huston) with the African ...


    Intended as a series for Channel 4, the material is an examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Programme One focuses on the 19th century. Two programmes were completed, of which ...


    Intended as a series for Channel 4 , the material is an examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians.

    Programme Two focuses on 20th century events up to about 1920.

    Two ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 1 contains sequences in a classroom; sequence showing old and broken statues from the Raj, and interviews with the Nawab of ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 2 contains interviews with the Pooviah Sisters, Mr B.C. Dutt, Mr J.V. Naik and Dr A. Tikekar. Plus various shots of Bombay, ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 3 contains: interviews with Mr. A. L. Dias; Mr. M. V. Kamath; Vice Admiral B. S. Soman; Mrs Catherine Courtney. Various shots ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 4 includes:

    interview with Mrs C. Courtney (cont. from Tape 3); Commander Tevor De Almeida, ex-Royal Indian Navy; Mr ...


    Rushes. An examination of the history of the British in India, largely from the point of view and experiences of Indians. Tape 5 contains: interview with Mr Stumadhavrao Pagadi (contd. From Tape 4); Rusi Karanjia, war correspondent, newspaper editor ...