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    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Veterans on Call - R.R.A.F. reserves going through their paces.

    Yes We Have Bananas - banana plantation.

    End of Operation Noah - Kariba Dam.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Beauty from the Bundu - flower arranging.

    Leisure by the Lake - Kasaba Bay holiday camp.

    Milestone in Education - educational TV broadcasting.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    Expanding Motion Picture Industry - Dragon Films studio.

    Young Explorers.

    Spotlight on Mulobezi - scenes of saw mills and railways.

    Great Britain

    A detailed study of African town and village life showing the work of the Methodist Mission in three main areas, Nairobi, the highlands and the coastal region, commemorating 100 years of Methodism in Kenya.

    Great Britain

    A British student re-visits his sister in Africa. A remembered safari in Uganda is contrasted with a subsequent safari through Kenya and Zanzibar showing the vast differences in terrain, in the colouring of animals and in the wild life. ...

    Great Britain

    ACTUALITY. Members of the 1st Battalion, 2nd K.E.O. Gurkhas on active service in Borneo.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    "Tobacco Twist" - new devices for the tobacco industry.

    Holding That Tiger - Bumi Hills fishing camp on Lake Kariba.

    Spotlight on Chirundu - sugar estate.

    SPOTLIGHTCentral African Federation

    All in Their Spare Time - hobbies exhibition.

    Spotlight on Civil Aviation.


    A brief history of telephones worldwide, with a special look at coomunications in Rhodesia.


    An investigation into the need for Kariba now that the Central African Federation has ended. John Hooper weighs up.


    The No. 1 Mrewa Club from Salisbury perform 3 African dances.


    John Hooper weighs up - Rhodesia is Commonwealth's largest exporter of beef yet in Rhodesia it is a luxury. Film attempts to find out why.