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    Report on how British forces are countering Dr Sukarno's efforts to undermine the new Federation of Malaysia.

    Indonesia has failed to disrupt the Malaysian economy (interview with Singapore Finance Minister who says ...


    Report marking the end of British rule in Malta uses a survey of the island's history and interviews with Maltese leaders to suggest the course of future developments and to explain why the Labour Party boycotted the ...


    Unedited colour film of Royal Marine Commandos in four jeeps and two trucks on patrol in a rocky arid district surrounded by mountains.

    Two Marines sit perched on a cliff while the camera pans towards the mountains ...


    Film showing move of 4th Royal Tank Regiment from Edinburgh to Aden. Showing parade of the Regiment at Redford Cavalry Barracks, Edinburgh, departure from Turnhouse airport, and scenes of the Regiment's activities as Middle East Armoured Car Regiment ...

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain


    RHODESIA 1965

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain


    Great Britain, USA

    A hunter kills a sacred lion and is cursed by a native chief. Unhealed he returns to Africa and kills the chief, and is healed.

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    A report on Harold Wilson's visit to Rhodesia for talks with Ian Smith.

    Great Britain

    Field Officers from the Agricultural Department are helping farmers in Basutoland (now Lesotho) by advising on new methods for improving crop yields, pastures and livestock, soil conservation and the use of machines. The school of ...

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    A report on the unilateral declaration of independence by Rhodesia with George Ffitch, Alastair Burnet, Edward Heath, Joseph Grimond, Ian Smith and the Rev Ndabaningi Sithole.

    THIS WEEK [ITV/Rediffusion, 1956-68]Great Britain

    DOCUMENTARY. A personal report on the year 1965 by James Cameron.

    Main title over stills of James Cameron and events of the year (00:25). Cameron introduces the programme outlining the major ...

    PANORAMAGreat Britain

    Michael Charlton reports from Salisbury on the situation in Rhodesia following U.D.I. (Unilateral Declaration of Independence).