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    RHODESIA 1977

    BRASS TACKSGreat Britain

    An issue of the BBC current affairs programme, looking at the situation in Rhodesia.

    Sweden, Zimbabwe

    A musical passion play, performed by students from Kwanongoma College of Music and United College of Education, Bulawayo. Sung in a local dialect and filmed at Serima Mission, Zimbabwe, Easter 1976.


    Amateur film shot by Major Tony Scott of the 1st Battalion Staffordshire Regiment while serving in Belize shows air activity by Puma and Scout helicopters, and Hawker Harrier jets, during joint Army-RAF exercises in the jungle shortly after the ...


    One of a series of twelve short films, showing widely varied aspects of the personal and social consequences of the abuse of alcohol. The films are constructed around the message 'Think When You Drink'. A young Petty Officer with a promising career ...


    An interview with Lord Carver who would be responsible on Britain's behalf for implementing the Anglo-American settlement in Rhodesia, if accepted.

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    A follow-up to WORLD IN ACTION: LIABLE TO PROSECUTION about Shell and BP's involvement in illegal oil exports to Rhodesia. Looks more closely at the smokescreens used to try and cover up the sanctions breach. The history of ...

    Great Britain

    Film shot in Zimbabwe and in a transit camp in Botswana during 1977. Concentrates on the views of ordinary people.


    Shows the sights and sounds of Hong Kong


    An inside account of the struggle waged by FRELIMO against Portuguese colonialism. Also relates the support given to Portugal by the Smith regime in Rhodesia and its continued military attacks on civilian targets in Mozambique following that ...

    EVERYMANGreat Britain

    Documentary about the Christian position in the Rhodesian war. There are Christians supporting both sides - is the Christian message political or above politics? The black leaders in the conflict, including Robert Mugabe, ...




    A documentary looking at Rhodesian techniques for "seeding" clouds to create rainfall. It includes various shots of different types of clouds and looks at why and how clouds form and why rain does not always occur. Failure of the rains causes ...