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    Documentary about the Triads of Hong Kong, whose members run the drug traffic, gambling, porn shops, the film industry and almost every aspect of Hong Kong life, and also wield influence over the police and government officials.


    After a brief introduction, which covers the political and strategic background, the command structure and the despatch of the Task Force, Part 1 concentrates on the planning and conduct of the landings, including the preliminary and diversionary ...


    Port Stanley would clearly be the key battlefield; Part 2 highlights the importance of concentrating the maximum number of battalions/commandos for that battle as quickly as possible. It deals with the Argentine air attacks, the problems of logistics ...


    Part 3 does not aim to give equal coverage to all battalion/commando actions. It adopts a theme, the Application of Force, and illustrates selected aspects: (a) The Indirect Approach - 42 Commando's attack on Mt. Harriet, coming in, as it did, ...


    Part 4, taking place in the studio, is a series of discussions with selected participants, designed to highlight areas from which, with their experience, useful lessons can be drawn. These include: (a) Higher level command and control; (b) Command ...


    The story of Karen Blixen, who wrote under the name of Isak Dinesen about her experiences in Kenya. She moves to Africa with her husband, investing all her money in a farm which is ultimately unprofitable. Her marriage of convenience deteriorates, ...

    Great Britain

    The building of Falklands Airport.

    USA, South Africa

    Action adventure based on H. Rider Haggard's novel. Jessie Huston hires famed adventurer Allan Quatermain to trace her father who has disappeared during an African expedition.


    First part of a narrative history of 3 Commando Royal Marines involvement in Operation Corporate (the Falkland Islands Campaign).