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    A look at the Metro-Cammell factory in Birmingham which designs and builds a variety of metro trains, looking in particular at the planning and building of the 'Kowloon Connection', a metro system between Hong Kong and Kowloon. The designing and ...


    I. Scenes onboard Royal Navy submarine.

    II.Seeking and destroying enemy aircraft by ship launched missile system.

    III. Royal Marine Commandos attack and successfully destroy an enemy radar system.

    IV.Urgent supplies are ferried by ...


    Illustrates the range of base training and field activities of the RAF Tactical Communications Wing, established to provide mobile ground communications to helicopter/Harrier squadrons in forward deployment, and occasionally in locations outside NATO ...

    Hong Kong

    General film on Hong Kong and its people, covering the contrast of city and rura l life, customs, beliefs, cuisine, festivals and tourist attractions

    Great Britain

    Shows how Hong Kong has developed from a trading port in the 19th century to an international centre of world trade. Argues that this has been achieved by a freedom of economic action, producing jobs, rising living standards and the lowest ...

    Great Britain

    Outlines the growing diplomatic row between Britain and Argentina over sovereignty of the Falklands.


    Dramatised film in which the Leander Class frigate HMS Achilles (F.12), deployed to the Caribbean, provides disaster relief following a hurricane. While the ship's Wasp helicopter assesses the extent of the damage, teams from the ship land on Antigua ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    A specially extended edition of TV EYE on the Falklands, at the end of week six of the crisis. First, Peter Gill's report from New York looks at the attempts of British diplomats (in particular Sir Nicholas Henderson, British ...

    TV EYEGreat Britain

    The Falklands crisis: report from Argentina on the hardening ofattitudes, and on the latest moves at the United Nations


    Documentary which looks at the events on South Georgia after invasion by the Argentinian forces had caused wildlife camera team Cindy Buxton and Annie Price to be cut off from the UK. The film features footage of wildlife ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the growing problems which the UK is encountering over the disputed ownership of the Falkland Islands with an interview with the new Foreign Secretary, Francis Pym.


    GANDHI 1982

    Great Britain, India, USA

    Biopic of famed Indian lawyer and activist Mahatma Gandhi, whose methods of non-violent protest against the British Empire led to him becoming a popular leader until his assassination in 1948.