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    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the latest developments in the South Atlantic crisis with an interview with John Nott, Secretary of State for Defence.

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the latest developments in the crisis in the South Atlantic with interviews with Jon Connell, Philip Windsor, Dudley Fishburn, Col. Neil Maude, Sir Christopher Foxley-Norris, Andrew Thompson, Andrew Whitley, Edward ...

    WEEKEND WORLDGreat Britain

    Report on the crisis in the Falkland Islands with a fully detailed look at the Haig peace plans and interviews with MPs Alan Clark, Geoffrey Rippon, Robert MacLennan and Stanley Clinton-Davies.


    Report on present day Hong Kong which examines the implications for the Colony's future once the lease on the New Territories runs out in 1997, when five-sixths of the area revert to China

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    Studio debate on the Falklands Crisis, taking place as the British Taskforce makes its way to the islands. Present on the panel are Jim Clement, Executive Secretary of the Sheep Owners' Association on the islands; Capt. ...


    Production materials for an ITV 'Weekend World' on the Falkland Islands.

    Great Britain

    Special report on the Falklands Crisis with opinions from Argentinian and British citizens linked by sattelite and ground links from London and Montevideo to the studio.


    Interview with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher about the critical period through which the government has been passing for the last few weeks. Live from Downing Street.

    WORLD IN ACTIONGreat Britain

    Includes a studio debate on the situation in the Falklands, transmitted during the seventh week of the crisis.


    Recruitment film for the Royal Navy, following the experiences of a new cadet.

    A 16 year old boy on a council estate, wondering what to do with his life, sees a Royal Navy commercial and decides to enlist; 30 months ...


    Amateur footage of the dismantling of Gibraltar's 9.2-inch gun prior to being shipped to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford in 1982.


    Technical: Originally filmed in Super 8mm.


    Amateur film shot by Chief Technician Tom Kinsella of RAF 18 Squadron records voyage on Norland south from Ascension Island, with HMS Fearless and Atlantic Conveyor (carrying 18 Squadron's Chinooks) in distance, Argentine fighter attacks on San ...