Gold Coast. Kumasi Saw mill: chipping machinery with wheels and pulleys in full action and being fed by workmen. Two British supervising are glimpsed out side the building. Workmen at Cement mixing plant on building construction site ...
Gold Coast. Kumasi Saw mill: chipping machinery with wheels and pulleys in full action and being fed by workmen. Two British supervising are glimpsed out side the building. Workmen at Cement mixing plant on building construction site ...
Northern Territories Gold Coast. This is dark and rather indistinct footage apart from the final sequence. Group of local girls bathing at waterside of riverbank. Girls dancing. General scenes of village people. British brick out ...
New high level road bridge. English lady unpacks her picnic. Busy road with petrol filling station. Carts drawn by heavy oxen. Wells being worked by oxen. Sringer town with its river and river traffic. Kashmir Lakes and pony ...
Military biplanes in flight.
Production / Donor Details: Collection of films shot by Air Commodore Leonard de Ville Chisman DFC CBE (1899-1974) between 1930s and 1950s. Locations include India, Burma, Hong Kong and Malaya ...
Water polo match in crowded open air lido.
RAF servicemen taking part in football match in winter at altitude in front of beer-drinking spectators.
Production / Donor Details: Collection of films shot by Air ...
Voyage on cargo ship along coast of Burma and Malaya to Singapore. Stops
in the cities of Rangoom (Docks, Buddhist Temples, City centre and Zoo) and Kuala Lumpur. Visits to the interior. Holiday hotels.Rubber Plantation ...
Public buildings of Lutyens New Delhi. Street scenes in Old Delhi. Street stalls and pottery shop. Street Dancers. Brtish military officer's residence. Visiting peddlers witih their wares. Visiting musicians. Close study of the ...
Railway journney. Busy station scenes. Buildings of Lutyens, New Delhi.
Indian horse show display. The waters off Bombay docks with sailing dhows. RAF launch with crew and naval ships at anchor. Sunderland Flying boat of ...
Passenger life on board ocean liner. Ships wrecked by typhoon? Biplanes making passes at ocean liner. Bombay busy city traffic scenes. 'The Gateway to India'. 'The Taj Mahal Hotel'. Street cavalcade of a Royal Visit?
Railway station exit at Peshawar. Shop fronts of quiet rural town with close up of the names of tradespeople. Centre of Peshawar with busy narrow streets and bazaars. RAF 'Walrus' seaplane at rural airfield. Wrestling match ...
Journey by car up mountainous roads to Simla through border post. General views of Simla town centre with its buildings and busy street life. British couple go riding in the hills around the town. British military wedding at ...
India, North-West Frontier, 1937. Film shows various military scenes, including numerous scenes of the RAF in action, bombing, shooting and dropping leaflets in Waziristan. Also includes scenes of Indian Army in the field, ...